Stalker Alert!

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Dish duty for a week sucked! I got in so many arguments with the men in this house. For example:


I finally got the grease out of the pot and was done with the dishes for the night. I turned on the dishwasher and went to get some paper towel.

When I returned there was a dirty dish and cup in the sink.

"Wash that," Andres instructed.

"Bish Whet?!" I replied.

"Wash the dish May."

"That's not even fair! I was done washing the dishes and you added an extra!" I complained.

In the end I had to end up washing the dish , then he had the nerve to burp in my ear.


*end of flashback*

Am I the only one who gets pissed when people burp vulgarly?

Anyways I decided it was time to stalk Sade Fernard.

Damn he was hot in his Facebook pictures!

I carefully scrolled though his pictures and savored the moment with each picture.

Then I accidentally clicked the share button on one of his shirtless pictures. Out of panic I tried to clicked out of the page but shared the picture instead.

Kill. Me. Now!!!

Since the browser was slow as fuck it took me forever to delete the picture from my timeline. I swear my entire friends list already saw it.

Burn it!Burn the computer now Ollie! I'm sure there's some gasoline laying around here, and we definitely have matches.

The worse part about this entire thing is the fact that the picture was from 2 years ago! Ugggghhhh!!

But at least I found out a few more things about him.

1. He plays tennis.

2. He has a pet snake.

3. He is actually a sophomore.

4. He skateboards.

I was interrupted by my phone going off.

"Hello?" I said into the speaker.

"Where the hell are you?! We were suppose to be getting the finishing touches for our costumes today!" Myra shouted.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!" I laughed. "Calm the fuck down , it's not that serious."

I heard Kace ask for the phone and a few chatters before someone replied to me.

"We were officially invited to Sade Fernard's Halloween Bash , so you need a costume. " Kace informed me.

Sade invited us to his party?!

Say what?!

I must of been silent for a minute because Kace was asking if I was still there .

"Okay this just became serious. When was this?"

"Yesterday after school. He just came up to me , handed me the invitation and said 'invite your friends.' " Kace explained.

Before I had a chance to say something, Jamie came on the phone. "Get your ass to the mall now!"

Then they hung up.

I hurriedly threw on a pair of jeans, an adventure time t-shirt and put my hair in a bun. It was in desperate need of a washing.

"Where are you going?" Neo asked when I came downstairs.

"To the mall, and you're taking me." I said pulling him towards his car.

"I guess," he replied placing the empty cereal bowl on the kitchen counter.

"It's not like I was planning to do anything with my Saturday evening," he added sarcastically.


The mall was fun , after we got what we wants we just walked around messing shit up. We almost got kicked out by the Macy's security guard for spraying sample perfumes everywhere, and messing up the counters with the sample makeup.

He was all like "HEY STOP THAT!"

We were all like "Run bitch run!".

I even saw Jayden and her sister at the mall, so that was pretty cool too.

The best part though was stalking Sade. We saw him Hollister and since in there was darker than midnight we took advantage of that.

I took a couple "selfies" and he just managed to be in the back of all of them.😁

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