Chapter 1.13: Believe in Your Strength

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I know it has been AGES. But I had writers block for THE longest time. But I hope this makes up for it.

At the sign of first light, voices, shuffling, and footsteps filled the halls of the castle. Everyone was supposedly preparing for this huge marriage announcement speech. Groaning, Clast shot up in the bed, already irritated enough for the rest of the week and some. Why everyone needed to prepare for a speech that was going to be all of Clast’s work on her bedroom balcony was beyond her. In her opinion, all she needed to do was stand there and tell the people of Ichanon that she was going to marry William and bound the lands of Ichanon and Spellgove together for unity, peace, and love.

That did not in any way constitute a ton of florists, dressmakers, cooks, and maids to be scurrying all around. Clast could smell food filling up her nostrils and with an attitude, she threw the covers off of her and stomped to the bathing room. It was only a matter of time before a seamstress walked in telling Clast to step into some grandiose dress and she needed at least a few moments to collect herself, to wrap her head around what she was about to do.

For one, she was pretending to be someone else, Kat to be exact. And the saddest thing about that fact was that Clast was better at being Kat than Kat was at being herself. Secondly, Margaret was gone and the castle was now officially corrupt. Clast really had to be on her best behavior now because they could off her, for they knew who Clast really was.

A knock sounded on the door and Clast cursed under her breath. So much for a moment to collect herself. All she did was delve deeper into the most horrible things about her new life.

“Come in,” she called out. The door opened and Clast took a deep breath and stepped into the bedchamber to find a tall blonde in her wake. “I thought you were the seamstress.” Clast snorted.

The woman before her smiled, her blue eyes lighting up into such beauty it was hard to look away from. Her hair was long and wavy around her face, swirling around her hips and curving onto her butt. Her dress was a forest green, lifting up her already near perfect enough boobs, and showing off her tiny waist. Her skin was slightly tanned, showing that she spent some time outside, and tiny freckles spotted her arms and cheeks that were pink with life. Who was this woman?

“I don’t have hands gentle enough for the craft.” She winked and Clast smiled in return. “Well, Katarina, congratulations on the engagement.”

“Thank you.” Clast nodded. If only she knew the truth.

“I wanted to be the first to say it. Selfish of me, I know, yet I pride myself on my determination. My name is Harlot by the way. It’s such a...Shameful name hence the meaning and all, but I like it. It’s different...shocking. People remember. But I have to upbringing was quite hard for, children. Ha. They can be such teasers, you know?” She said all of this as she walked around the bedchamber, tracing her fingers along everything in sight, observing, thinking, plotting. She was plotting and Clast knew that look in a woman’s eyes for she was the greatest plotter that ever lived.

Clast gave her the best smile she could muster, encouraging her to continue on, yet bracing herself for what was to come. Obviously being a princess wasn’t a cakewalk.

“I took care of them though. The kids I mean.” Harlot whipped her head around to smile mischievously. “Anyways, William...Mm, he’s a lucky pick.” She chuckled. “He is so handsome and of course very kind. I would be besides myself with glee if I was to marry a man so profound, and so infamous for his graciousness.”

This was starting to irritate Clast, Harlot’s little scheming, but she kept her face neutral, walking over to sit on the bed.

“The thing is, I know a lot about you, Katarina. I know how you have a...Oh I don’t know…a twin sister?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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