Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

When they arrived at the Indian's camp, Peter immediately went to Big Chief, and after a few low spoken words, the two of them entered the latter's teepee to speak privately.

Kaytee sat around a small bonfire outside the teepee, eating breakfast with the boys, all of them subdued and anxious. The walk over here had been quiet, as if their discovery of the slaughtered animals had enhanced the silence of the jungle. It was ominous, still, like the silence after someone knocks on the door. Peter and Kaytee hadn't spoken anymore on the matter of Hook. She knew he would tell them all when they needed to know.

And so he did. After a long time, Big Chief and Peter emerged from the large dwelling, both grim, but with a determined set to their jaws. Tiger Lily followed them out, which surprised Kaytee since she hadn't seen the princess enter before, then assumed she'd already been inside. Big Chief called out to the camp words of gathering and urgency. Quickly, his tribesmen surrounded the same fire, sitting by Kaytee and the boys. Kaytee caught Peter's eye and he nodded, his shoulders sagging with a deep sigh. And then he stepped forward.

"The great fire your people helped us put out last night was not one of accident or chance," Peter spoke, and Big Chief followed him in his native tongue, translating smoothly in his huge, gravelly voice, "It was a fire off terror and malice that nearly destroyed all of Pixie Hollow and the fairies that lived inside. You might have also noticed a silence in the jungle, a stillness. This, too, is the result of evil, evil we have faced before and will now face again."

He paused here, taking a steadying breath, glancing at Nibs, whose steady gaze and reassuring dip of his chin helped Peter continue, "The pirate, Captain Hook, who we thought eaten by the Great Crocodile so long ago has returned." As he said this, with the chief's words following, a wave of murmuring unease shifted through the camp. Peter cleared his throat and went on, "He is working alongside Jude and the other Lost Boys I had Banished. They have come seeking revenge. I have accepted the invitation to battle in three days time, where we will meet on the east shore when the sun is highest on the third day."

One more pause, "If we do not defeat them, they will poison the island and destroy every life it holds."

Many stood in uproar, yelling and protesting. Most were stunned at the dramatic turn of events. Their lives were easy and with routine. Now, in just a few minutes of speaking, all that was threatened. It took a few minutes for enough peace to settle before anything more was said.

"Our people have always been a people of peace and harmony. These foes have violated this sacred island in their slaughter and acts of fire. Of course, we will fight with you," Big Chief nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. Tiger Lily translated his words and the Indians crowed, stomping their feet. "And that Child Killer will wish he had stayed in the Great Croc's belly!"

More cheering and crowing. Battle cries rose into the air, along with shaking fists and the occasional spear.

"We've faced his lot before, Peter," Nibs stood, clapping a hand to the other's shoulder, "We'll do it again. We could always use more sword practice anyway."

This began the conversation of training. While the Indians were skilled in hunting with bow, arrow, and spear, that was for animal, not man, and they would have to learn different strategies. Their weapons maker immediately went into action of sorting spear heads and full sheathes of fresh arrows, among other necessities.

Peter also had the Lost Boys travel in teams with Injun guards back to their Home to get every spare sword and dagger they had to supply their small army. Meanwhile, the heavy stockpile of animal hide was now being used for makeshift armor instead of clothes.

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