Chp. 2: Ben

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     I gave the girl my flirtious look. One that said "Let's ditch this crap shack." She smiled and giggled, slipping me her number. She said something, somethong dirty,no doubt, but the pulsating music made it hard to hear. I just smiled and continued to smile flirtasiously. A sudden, bright light washed over me. I turned in annoyence, ready to flip them off. I stopped when I saw a true beauty.

     She was beautiful, with bluish skin. she was covered by her large clothes. I told the girl I was with that it was over. She flipped me off.  I didn't really care. I was to busy stareing at the most gorgeous creature in the world. I just wanted her out of her clothes and into me.

     As I swerved around masses of sweaty bodies, I felt the glow draw me closer. I saw a guy asking her if she wanted to dance. When she refused, he said," Come on, I don't bite. Not unless you want me too." When he winke she shuttered a little. I came to her rescue. She looked up in suprise.

     When he saw me, he said "Oh, this bitch is yours? Sorry, man." He backed away, and I turned to her. I grabbed her wrist and dragged her upstaires.

     "Where-where are you takeing me?" she stuttered.

     "You heard him. Your my bitch. And you've been a very bad girl. It's time for you to be taught a lesson." 

     I dragged her up to a vaccant room, and threw her down on the bed. Time for her to be taught a lesson.


I sighed as I left the room. It was a heavenly sigh.  Yet a sigh of defetat. I left the club, but not to score. I left to go home. Let's face it, I wanted that girl. Needed that girl.


     Sorry it was so short! I will write restricted chapters! 18 and up! ;) :)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2012 ⏰

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