A Week's Danger

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Dish-k ya-uuuu (gun shot)!! Every-body started to shout in panic. Then two hooded figures emerged along with a body being dragged. Everyone was in shock, seeing the dead man on the ground. “Nobody moves until I say, or this is what will happen TO YOU!!” roared the tall hooded figure. “If any one wants to go to the toilet or go any where he/she has to ask” said the second person standing behind the other one. He had a gun pointing straight towards me. And the other person had a gun on the air-hostess, who was standing as straight as a statue  “You people might want  know who we are, we are AL-QAEDA!!” said the hooded figure as he left, leaving the other one behind. Everyone was praying to the god to help them. The sudden silence was vaporized by the rattling of the airplane. Now, there was only one question in every mind, was that a air turbulence or did that have to do something with the TERRORISTS AND THE PILOT??

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2012 ⏰

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