Chapter 8

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 ^^^^ FAN!!!

So I had a different version of this, but I think it was entirely too graphic so I changed it, took out some things. Yall will understand when you read it.

Dont forget to vote! And then vote some more! Also comment. Im looking for ideas on where to take the Keith part of the story.

Dominic POV

Dr. Rossi didn’t appreciate my joke. I would have to teach her how to loosen up.

“Please continue Dominic.”

“Well, the group of guys spotted me and immediately started heckling me. Calling me names. They really seemed to have a problem with an upper class white kid. One of them yelled ‘Come here white boy!’ I didn’t like how they were talking to me but I knew I couldn’t do anything as I hadn’t shifted yet.” 

I didn’t even really have a pack link. There was a less extensive one for the kids and humans in the pack. Human mates can here their mates clearly, feel their emotions and their general sense of direction, but they cant do that with the entire pack. Children have more of a connection within their family unit. My family would know I was in trouble in a general sense but they wouldn’t know what was happening to me until they were closer to me.

“Then one guy told me to give him my shoes. I had always been taught to stand my ground so I didn’t give him my shoes all the while trying to project my distress to my parents. Looking back this was probably why my mother wanted me back at a certain time. They did not like me standing up for myself.  They jumped me. Beat me pretty bad and took all of my clothes. My family felt my pain and found me. I was in the hospital for two weeks. I am a wolf but I hadn’t shifted yet so my body took more time to heal.  While I was in the hospital my dad tried to hunt down my attackers but he never could find them. That’s basically what happened.”

I let out a laugh. “Do you know that my parents thought I had been raped by those men? They tiptoed around the issue for weeks before they finally said something to me about it. I guess it was because I was found naked. My father was afraid I would be homosexual.” I growled out.

I let out a deep breath when I was done. I hated remembering that time. How weak I was. How my dad hadn’t been able to find those worthless punks. It angered me that they could elude my father. He could have been alpha of his pack and was about to take over the position at another. Why couldn’t he find them? I wanted to hurt those jack offs so badly.

“So how does that situation make you feel now Dominic?”

“What is there to feel? It happened. I wish I could find them though. Even now I wont ever forget their faces. I want to punish them for what they did to me. I want to kill them. Other than that I don’t think it affected my life.”

Dr. Rossi just jotted down what I said as she nodded her head. I hated it when she did that. Like she was having thoughts she couldn’t or wouldn’t share with me. We were talking about my memories, why couldn’t she tell me what she thought?

“So lets move on. Anything else about the third grade or primary school at all that sticks out and you replay in your head?”

“Well yeah, there was that time in the fifth grade when my friends and I found the little black girl walking down an alley. I guess she was taking a shortcut that day too. It was after we had moved here. I saw her and I wanted to hurt her like they had hurt me. I knew that if I hurt her I would hurt them. She was ten I think. I remember her being in the class next to mine.  It was cold outside. I remember that. Close to Halloween. There were all kinds of decorations up and I remember thinking it would be cool if I had my Super Man costume. I was about to do some super hero type shit. I needed my cape. The girl was a dark brown. She had these pigtails all over her head with all kinds of balls in different colors. Looked chaotic to me. She was wearing a yellow coat and a yellow and green scarf. Even more reason to hate her. Wearing the Packers Colors.”

“If I can interrupt Dominic. You said ‘even more reason to hate her,’ what do you mean by that?”

“Well, the colors she wore gave me more incentive.”

“Yes, but the way you said it, made it seem like there was already some hate there. Why?”

“Because they beat me! Why shouldn’t I hate them!”

“So you associate the girl from your memories with the guys who beat you? “


“Do you associate all black people with those men?”

I smirked, she was trying to trick me with words.

“Im not a racist.”

“I never said you were. I said, do you associate all black people with the men who assaulted you?”

Her questions were irritating me to the point where I couldn’t think straight.

“YES!” I snapped again.

“Interesting. Continue.”

“What’s so interesting? They beat me. They robbed me! I cant get my own back? I couldn’t get one of them? See this is screwed. One white person shoots a black guy and all white people are racist and they are mollycoddled, but let a white guy defend himself against a black guy and we are outlawed! That isn’t right.” I growled. This is why black people piss me off. So damn sensitive.

“Dominic you do understand that black people aren’t a collective group that all communicate. They aren’t a pack. Continue please.”

I sighed.  “Well we snuck up behind her and grabbed her. Jason put his hand over her mouth. We took her behind a dumpster…”

I zoned out as I retold what I had done. What we had done. We wrapped her scarf around her mouth so she couldn’t scream. We pulled her dress up and her panties down. They were days of the week underwear. They had Thursday written all over them. I would always remember that. Thursday. The next day I saw the missing person fliers with her name and face on them. Angela Bell. Her name was Angela Bell. They found her the next day. She barely lived. Last I’d heard, she was still in her wheelchair.

Dr. Rossi looked sick. I wonder why that is? I hope she isn’t coming down with something. I really like coming here and laying on her couch. Those are some nice skirts she wears.

“I think that now is a good time to end our session for today Dominic.”

She didn’t tell me she would see me next time like she always did. Weird. She was being really weird today.

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