The Silent Treatment

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"Really? You're REALLY going to help him? Him?"

"Yes. I just told you that I would."

"[Y/N], babe, you literally broke up with him! You're done! You're out of his life and he's out of yours!" Louis points out harshly, his voice becoming louder and enunciating every syllable as he became angrier.

"Yeah, I get that, but it's just for one day- a few hours! It's for a good cause. Look, this festival is only for a few hours and he needs someone to help him run the booth" you say in a rush as you tie your hair into a ponytail with a scrunchie and step towards the door.


"Okay, your jealousy is going a little too far on this," you say as you confront him in the doorway "you have no say in this and your opinion isn't really going to change anything this time so just back off."

"But Y/N! You can't just expect me to be okay with this!" Louis yells exasperately and you give him a hard glare while saying firmly, "Yes, I do. I do because you're my boyfriend and I expect my boyfriend to trust me and let me make my own decisions."

With that said you left the house and started your walk to your school, which was only a mile away, on foot. Once you arrived, you see your ex chilling with the others who had booths running. 

"Hey, Y/N. Sorry to bother you with this, but my sister needed me to drop her off at her appointment with Dr. Freud." Y/EX/N says rushed before giving you a hug and trotting off to his car.

You slowly stood behind the booth and got yourself comfortable as you waited for the crowd of people to start coming through.


You were now walking home from the festival and thinking about the fight with Louis. It was annoying that he couldn't trust you and you were decided on giving him the silent treatment until he decided to say sorry. Sighing you open the door to a angry Louis.

"Wow, Y/N. You have fun today?" He growls and you just walk past him.

He catches you by the wrist and spins you around to see a photo of y/ex/n hugging you before he left on the iphone.

"So should I even trust you?" Louis counters and you snap, "That was a goodbye hug, Louis! Plus, we used to best friends before we dated so we always acted likewise! We are still friends now, so obviously we would hug and stuff! Gosh Louis, can't you see that I love you and only you?" 

Louis stares at you as you back away, obviously shocked because you two had never uttered those words, yet. You shake your head and head to bed.

In the morning, you stay in bed, deciding whether to go out or just stay in. The door opens in response to a broken Louis.

"Hey, Y/N. Listen, I'm sorry about- Y/N!" Louis hurries after you as slam the bathroom door in his face.

"Y/N, please just open the door. I said I was sorry!" Louis keeps repeating until you finally do open the door just to go downstairs to have breakfast. 

"Y/N?" Louis raises an eyebrow at your silence before realizing, "Oh the silent treatment, well if you are doing that, then you can't eat this because I made it."

Shrugging you pick out cereal, smiling internally at Louis's defeated face.

For the whole day, Louis kept following you around like a lost puppy and asking you to speak. Occasionally he would try to do the silent treatment, but would fail miserably.

"Y/N! pleaseeeeeeeeeee! I'm sorry!" Louis finally gives up and starts sobbing and you give in.

You wrap your arms around his neck and give him a peck on his lips, "You're forgiven."

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