chapter 2

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By the time i had made it to third lesson a lot of people knew about my out burst at Lewis.The only problem with that being that Lewis was in my that lesson.

The clock ticked on to 10 past 12 and in walked Lewis, 15 minutes late. He had a red mark on his cheek where my hand had connected with his arrogant face. He looked at me as soon as he entered the room. The other bad news was that he sat behind me on the row to my left. The whole way through the lesson i could feel his eyes burning into the back of my head.

When we left the lesson I got up and a hand was placed on my shoulder. I knew who it was. I turned around.

"what?" i asked, my voice betraying no emotion. What I really felt was, oh god, I should of thought before I acted.

"i just wanted to apologise for being such a, well a prat basically. it wasn't your fault. it was mine. i didn't mean to be so rude" he said, not looking at me

"oh, um, well. it's OK i guess, and I'm only kinda sorry about your cheek" i said, trying to make light of the situation, it worked because he breathed out a laugh.

"well i kinda deserved that slap, made me realise i was being a di.." he was cut off by Mr Roswell

"language Mr storm, in the presence of a lady one must be most gentlemanly" he was so old fashioned but he was great. i stifled a laugh

"oh, sorry sir" Lewis said, trying to sound sincere

Mr Roswell left the room. i moved towards the door "cya later Lewis" the. added "you might wanna put some frozen peas on your cheek" i heard him laugh and mutter a goodbye as i left.


"FINALLY" Me and Tess said in union as we practically ran out of last period.

"OH MY GOD!" Tess whisper screamed at me as she stopped dead in the corridor "he is leaning against your locker, oh my goodness, this is SO teen movie! Go! walk sexily!"

I laughed as she pushed me foward into motion. As i approached he coughed awkwardly like he didn't really know why he was there.

"Erm, hey?" i chirped at him

"Hey, so, um, yeah. I feel super bad about the whole thing, even if you did give me what for as Mr Rosswell would say" we laughed and he continued "SO, i would love to take you out as an apology. Cinema at 8?"

For god sake. I can't say no, but that means i have to sneak out. My prissy parents don't allow social activities with guys.

"Sure" i agreed

"So, i'll pick you up at like half 7?" he asked, unsure

"Yeah, but like park near merry rose park"

He looked at me funny "Why?"

"Parents are insane" i shrugged

"Oh" and we laughed

"alright, i'll pick you up at half seven at merry rose park" he smiled and left without another word.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2013 ⏰

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