The Hot New Kid With An Attitude And Miss Perfect; Is It Love? 2

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These are short; its a short story. :D

I like it though, so it may end up a novella, or even a novel.[:

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At the end of third hour it'd turned out that so far Matthew and I had all three morning classes together. The next class I had was History, and I hoped to the heavens that he did not.

I walked to History with my best friend Faith, whom sat beside me in the rows of three. I told her how much of a jerk Matthew had been all morning, and how it somehow actually hurt my feelings. She sighed, kissed my cheek, and told me to ignore him. It was helpful yet primitive, simple; I should have thought of that myself. "You'll deal just fine, babe, you're great!" She encouraged me as we walked into class, taking our seats.

I was glad she sat beside me, it made my life a bit easier, seeing as our teacher Ms. R wasn't exactly the best. We pulled out our homework from the night before, waiting for her to collect it. After she called roll, the door opened and I thrust my head downward into my arms, knowing whom it would be and that they'd gotten lost. "Ugh, I'm new and I'm in this class, but I kinda got lost.." The buttery smooth voice said, making my anger melt away unwillingly. I felt Faiths hand on my arm; she knew the only empty seat in the class was on my other side. "Have a seat beside Faye. Faye raise your hand." Ms. R said; I made to move to raise it. Matthew sat down beside me with no instruction from the teacher, which was the obvious thing to do. "Isn't it our lucky day, huh Faye?" Matthew said tauntingly, I saw him smiling at me from the corner of my eye. I just groaned.

The teacher was at her desk, letting some of the unfinished kids finish their work that I'd already completed. My head was still down face-first in my arms, hiding from this mysterious, annoying, beautiful boy. A piece of paper thrown on my lap made me jump a bit, raising my head. Nobody was giggling, so I hadn't a clue whom the perpetrator was just yet.

I folded the note open on my desk, looking at the handwriting before reading what was wrote:


You really are a pretty girl, you're just so uptight! Loosen up, baby, and let it all go. Maybe when you do we could hang out sometime. That'd be fun, right babe?

Signed anonymously. I rolled my eyes and put the note on top of my backpack, replacing my head in my arms.

This boy didn't have any idea what he was up against, and if he did, well I'll be damned.

I sat up in my desk, and looked to my right to meet two green eyes starring at me with anticipation. They looked interested and flirtatious; then I realized it was Matthew so I turned away and sighed. Another note was flopped onto my lap; I knew it was from him.


What are you doing after school?

Want to hang out?

Call me?



I laughed; he did have multiple personalities! I smiled to myself and put the note in my pocket; blackmail maybe? No, I began to think, maybe we could hang out. Maybe he'd be sweet if I got to know him.

I told myself I'd call him later, and see what he was doing.

I turned to him, he was still looking at me, and nodded slightly. He smiled a brilliant smile, making my heart melt once more. Somehow he had some unknown effect over me, and I can't say I didn't like it.

© 2010 Amber Snyder (AmberNicoleCullen)

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