The Frozen Chapter Seven

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The Frozen Chapter Seven


Elsa paced back and forth in the middle of the icy room. The room was very beautiful and synchronizes with Elsa perfectly, that's why the reddish tint from earliernreturned. The room was cracking and ice spikes were forming. Again.

"Get it together." She says particularly to no one


"Control it."

Why is it like this?

"Don't feel."

Why am I like this?

"Don't feel."

Why can't I have answers?

"Don't Feel!"

Such a simple question but why? WHY?!

Why did that have to happen! Why did she have to be so alone...why did she have to have ice powers...Why does she have to feel so cold!

The feeling is too much! The feeling of knowing the darkness is your only friend, the feeling of despair, the feeling of...being cold. The cold never bothered Elsa but she feels very very cold. The darkness? The isolation? Who said one can never have too much?

The darkness slowly bites away her space, and she has so many! The darkness invades her territory, shifting to be the ice she controls, the ice that hurts people! Why does she have to have powers like that?! Elsa can't take this anymore.

She sobbed. She cried her heart out. She's a creator, yes she created beautiful things like Olaf and Anna's good memories from their childhood, but she is also a harm-bringer.  As she looks around in the devious castle, she just felt more isolated and alone. Unable to bear it much longer, she sunk to her knees and pulled her left hand close to her chest, the hand that revealed everything...

After that, everything went on like a blur. By the time Elsa calmed down, there were snowflakes floating in the air. Jack looked around in awe. Elsa also looked around. She was still in her ice castle but she's...warm.

It was a nice feeling that unconciously brought a smile to her lips. She felt like that place was the safest place to be, where no cold can reach her, ever. But then she noticed that that place was actually Jack's arms.

I've been cuddling him this whole time?! Elsa was horrified. Not because her paradise was someone's arms that she just met that day (now she gets why Anna said the same thing to her that night) but because of the idea that she, a girl who has been separated from people from a very young age, has been hugging and cuddling with a young man such as Jack! Anything might have happened! Forget the powers, Jack's a boy! Someone of the opposite gender! Elsa tore away from Jack's arms immediately.

"Elsa?" Jack's tone was alarmed. "What happened? Is there something wrong? Do you need anything?

I need you to be as far away from me as possible, Elsa was about to say but, of course, she can't. She can't face him either. She can't face someone who she just hugged. With Elsa's current state of mind, you might say that hugging is sort-of a crime for her. Also, she's quite aware that she's blushing hard.

Elsa glanced at Jack and noticed a difference though she can't exactly pinpoint it. "Nothing, uh- Jack," Elsa mumbled. Jack stood up and smiled. Elsa's heartbeat just made a cartwheel. "Uh..Jack?"

"Yeah?" said Jack. He was still observing the frozen snowflakes that somehow had frozen mysteriously. What emotion do they portray exactly, hm?

Frozen Love {Jack Frost x Elsa}Where stories live. Discover now