.:Chapter 21:.

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Noticed I got a scroll bar for when you click to see all my chapters. :D That like made my day for some reason haha. Please keep reading this story and commenting I love love love loooooooove comments. Oh! I love votes too xD and fans <3 it makes me really happy to know people like what I'm writing no matter how goofy I am and how bad I am at updating, but when I see more people reading it it makes me want to continue and write as much as I can for as long as I can. I'm going to shut up now so you can read, but thank you again everyone.

P.S. I tend to read my parts after I write them and find mistakes and fix them, just incase someone should ask why I don't fix my errors. I do just have to read to find them once it's finished and out. o.e"

P.P.S. Lily is starting to get violent. :]

I Get Off - Halestorm


   Lily's P.O.V.
My eyes snapped open and I roared in anger for all I was worth. I could feel the walls shake and screams come all around above me. With a twirl of my wrists I grabbed the chains and with strenght I didn't know I had I pulled the chains from the walls, and then my ankle chains. I raised my foot and slammed it against the full metal door, it flew across the hallway smashing in to the concrete wall. The guards down here ran toward me as I stepped out of my prison. With a flick of my wrist the chain whipped around in to their skulls, and they sunk to the floor with me simply walking by them.

When I reached the top floor everyone was running around screaming, and when they saw me the screaming got louder. I saw Jason, a girl, and the thing that I was forced to call a mother running for the back door. The girl looked back and she looked almost like me, but she had that man's black hair and that things eyes. I roared again shattering the windows, this girl was my half sister and I was going to wipe her from this earth along with that man and thing. They had picked the wrong girl to do this to, specially one that was so young long ago. They're the ones that created a monster that wouldn't stop till they were all dead.

"Got you." Jack's voice said. Everyone seemed to calm down at his voice, but it was a mistake. I turned my head to him just a little, and his eyes seem to widened when he saw mine.

"I'm going to kill you all." I told him, knowing all of them could hear. Then Jack was falling to the ground his neck snapped. I looked up at the women and our eyes locked she seemed to slow down her pace to the door.

"Mother the day you said you loved us no longer is the day you will remember for the rest of your life, when I'm ripping out your throat. But you run now I will find you, you made the mistake of putting your daughter's death in the hands of a man. Cause I'm still standing and it's because of your mistake." I told her smirking dangerously. Her face had gone deathly pale, and had stopped in her tracks.

I turned and flew out one of the huge windows, chains and all. Landing on the ground I took off into the woods shifting as I went, my fur was no long it's silver white it was red, crimson blood red. Though it still shined in the moon light.

It was two weeks of running before I saw another being, or a few beings and not just any kind. Vampires. I slid to a stop yards from them growling lowly. They were looking at me as one took a step toward me, making me growl more and move making my chains clanging together.

"Ray don't you dare go near her." The female said. I snapped my jaws in agreement but spread my legs apart.

"Shut up, Tanzy." Ray said. My ears pricked up at the sound of his voice, I knew that voice.

That doubting vampire, the blood in us.

Oh right, he hasn't talked to us since the beginning.

I blocked him out for us.

Well unblock him. We need him.

We need nothing from a vampire.

Sometimes you find help in any person, you just have to be willing to trust them.

I heard her huff in my mind but something opened up in my mind, and I laid on my tummy watching this Ray person. His marble eyes were watching me, so where the other three vampires. I decided to be the first to move and stood up trotting to him, well more like a in pain trot. The chains have left bruises around my wrists and ankles, making it painful to do anything but I kept going. Reaching my head out I sniffed him taking in his scent so I would remember it always. The Tanzy chick came flying at me, but I had her by her throat on the ground in a second before she could even get close to touch my fur.

"Tanzy!" Ray shouted out in frustration.

That damn girl this is the reason why no one wants anything to do with her, she jumps the gun and thinks the worst of everything.

I looked over at Ray my mouth still around the girl, as she laid still. I could smell her tears and snorted, before dropping her not caring it I hurt her and went over to Ray rubbing on him.

You shouldn't make it your problem that is just stupid.

His eyes widened at my wolf's opinion of the situation. Though i think it was more over the fact that he could hear her again.

Ignore her she is just mad she has to share more mind space.

He let out a small laugh then he was full out laughing, as I tilted my head and the others looked at him as if he had lost his mind. With a grunt I shifted back to my human form and groaned as the chains weighted me down and my back cracked. My hair covered all my important parts, it had grown a lot since I've been kidnapped.

"I see there was no need to come save you princess." Ray said, as he got himself together. I looked over at him and held out my wrist.

"You were two weeks away, not really on a rush to get there were you?" I asked. He chuckled again and pulled the medal apart and my wrist was free, then he bent down to my ankles.

"You'd still be alive by the time I did get there though. You survived my blood being injected into your own blood." Ray replied. He moved to my other wrist, as I snorted.

"At the cost of my silver white fur, which is now crimson if you did not notice." I informed. He laughed again and shook his head, as he dropped the chain. My bruised limbs began to heal, in about an hour they would be healed.

"Who is she?" The other guy asked. I looked over at him and raised my hand for a shake.

"I am Lily Black daughter of Patrick Black and Ella Black, Princess of the Werewolves. Though I don't look like much right now, haven't came in to all that power yet." I answered him, rubbing the back of my head. The three stared at me like I was crazy, I looked over at Ray for him to confirm.

"It's true she is. Someone hid her from the world well, but now the world needs her." He said.

"Ya and I have a bone to pick with the world." I huffed. I shifted and started trotting toward the way I was headed, Ray fallowed right behind me.

"We're seriously not going with a werewolf, we have our own race to protect and fight for." Tanzy screeched.

"You're an idiot Tanzy. The story of the Werewolf Princess says once she is found she will either die and the world of immortals will fall or she will survive and the world of immortals will be in peace once again." The same boy said.

The girl snorted and crossed her arms, but yet she still followed behind like a good vampire. I looked up at Ray and he looked down at me.

Lets get your kingdom back, Princess.

About damn time. I'm tried of being looked down upon and saying I can't handle it.

It's going to be hard but I was never a quitter before.

                                                        Ray's P.O.V.
I watched Lily jump from rock to rock up the side of the waterfall, her crimson fur shined in the sun light. She wasn't what I had expected for a princess, she had no training what so ever to be a future Queen. But I couldn't blaim her, her whole royal pack was wiped out in one night by her traitor mother's lover. And to think her wolf blocked it all from her untill now.

"Why are you taking forever?" Tanzy shouted down from the top. Lily and I looked up at her, and all Lily did was snort and kept jumping from rock to rock getting higher. Tanzy was wearing on Lily's last nerve I could feel it, and I was starting to think maybe this is what my little sister needed.

"Mutt hurry up." Tanzy yelled. And there goes the last straw. Lily was on Tanzy in a heart beat in her human form her hand around the gir's throat.

"Listen here you whiny bitch, I've listened to you go on and on for about a week and I've had it. You either shut the hell up here and now or I will make you shut up for good. I've already killed a few people in the last few weeks and I don't mind adding to the body count. You might be the princess of the vampires but honey when it comes to princesses I'm the top one, so watch what you say to me cause I'm sure the world wouldn't miss a self centered brat like you. People like you make me sick to be even on this planet with you." Lily snarled. Tanzy looked scared as Lily pushed on her throat to stand up.

"The world is going to eat you then spit you out again, and I will be there to watch and not lift a finger. Maybe it's you that needs to take a lesson in being a princess, not me." She said putting the finishing blow in to Tanzy. My friends looked at Lily with their mouths open and eyes wide, no one had ever got the nerve to tell Tanzy how it was cause she would always run to our father.

"Ray do something!" Tanzy screeched.

"He won't do a thing for you, you've fallen from his grace a long time ago you were to stupid to see it. Welcome to the real world were anyone can say whatever they want." Lily said. She started walking again leaving Tanzy behind.

"Come on blood sucker hurry up." Lily shouted just like Tanzy did. She looked over her shoulder.

"Why aren't you walking yet? We haven't got all day." She kept her act up with being Tanzy. My sister was on the verge of crying.

In my eyes I saw the princess standing tall and the girl who was forced in to the curel world before she was suppose to when I looked at Lily, but when I looked at my own sister I saw a spoiled brat and the girl that caused pain to others for her own gain. It was clear who the higher princess was, it took a real princess to become a real queen when she knew the pain of what it was like to not have her title. I smiled at Lily and bowed to her.

"I'm going to be there when you rise to your title princess." I said. She laughed and waved me off.

"Well I'm not going back till I've come in to my princess and then my queen. Which is why we're going to your kingdom." She said. I nearly fell over from shock.

"WHAT?!?!" We all shouted.

"The vampire kingdom is the only one that has living teachers for the royals. And I am in need of one." Lily informed. We all stared at her in shock, well Tanzy was smirking.

"Daddy will kill you for what you did to me." She taunted. Lily looked at her.

"We'll see, cause you're not the one the immortals are depending on." Lily fired back.

Then she turned in to her wolf form again and ran forward toward my long lost home, I hadn't stepped in to for months.


You're telling me more vampires.

I smiled at the wolf's thoughts and ran after Lily. This was going to be interesting to say the least.

And Then Bad Boy Fell For The Bad Girl .:Edited:.Where stories live. Discover now