Chapter I - A New Friendship

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As the sun rose, dawning a new day across the world of Emileian, a rooster’s crow echoed throughout the small town of Projechon. The town’s permanent citizens had grown accustomed to the loud, obnoxious sound.

Cade woke to the town’s alarm clock and made his way toward a small washtub set atop a table. He wet his hands and ran them across his face and through his short black hair. The cool water poured life back into his spirit for the day ahead. After stretching his neck left then right, he dressed and made his way out of the room.

This was Cade’s second week in town and he was beginning to enjoy it. The people here were always nice to him, greeting him as he passed by. Things here were simpler. And although Cade didn’t have a place to stay, he didn’t mind paying for a room every night at the inn. The inn keeper began giving him a cheaper rate. After all, Cade didn’t need much, just the single bed and bath.

The sweet aroma of freshly baked bread filled Cade’s nose as he approached a staircase. He took each step with a bounce, happily making his way downstairs toward an appealing breakfast. Cade could feel his stomach grumble up at him.

Every day Cade followed the same routine. He had decided that some routine would be good in his life, keeping him going in the long run. Wandering the lands by oneself can take a toll on the body and mind. So having a daily schedule proved beneficial to Cade.

After descending the staircase, he made his way toward a room in the back of the inn. There, he saw a young boy, about his own age, sitting by himself at a table. Cade had been around town for a week or so now and he gotten an idea for those who lived here and who passed by from day to day. This boy was new to this town, but why would he be travelling alone?

Cade meandered past the buffet of foods, dishing out a portion of eggs, some thin slices of rabbit meat, and a few pieces of bread onto his plate. Cade then made his way to the table and took a seat, offering the boy a kind greeting. The boy looked timid, although, Cade thought there was something different about him. At first, Cade received a short stare, but the boy softened up and said, with a fragile smile, “Hi.” He then went back to eating his breakfast.

Cade began studying the boy. His blonde hair came down to his peaceful, emerald eyes, which gazed almost blankly at the food before them. The boy looked lonely, keeping his head down whenever he saw Cade was looking over. There was something about the boy that made Cade stay in his seat.

Cade’s stomach gurgled, reminding him how hungry he was, so he scooped some eggs toward his mouth. He must have been studying the boy longer than he had thought; his food was no longer hot. “Ah, my food is cold. I’ll be right back.” The boy continued eating his breakfast. Cade glanced down at the boy’s fork; it was a slight reddish hue. Puzzled, Cade inquired, “Is your fork heated or something?”

The boy nodded his head. He held his hand over Cade’s food and after a second or two a small flame flared up and concentrated itself in the center of the boy’s palm. He held it there for a moment and Cade’s food began to steam once more.

“Thanks,” Cade replied. He knew that fire meant this boy was a Vulcan caster; Cade only head about them in stories, he had never actually met one in real life. He hesitated before eating his food, unsure of what might have been done to it. He was far too hungry to care, so he began to eat. This would at least explain a little as to why the boy was by himself. He could use magic, so he would be able to protect himself if anything happened. After finished what was on his plate, Cade asked, “So, what’s your name?”

The boy hesitated at first, stumbling with Cade’s question. The boy locked eyes with Cade, as if trying to read his very thoughts. He nodded, giving his trust to Cade. “A man once called me ‘The Pyro’s Inferno.’”

“Kinda long. I’ll call you Pyro, for short!” He gave him a little smile. “So, where do you come from, Pyro?” Cade never found it hard to make conversation with others. It was just something he enjoyed doing. Even though Pyro was not giving much back, Cade could always keep questioning him. He always wanted to know more about people. And there was something different about this boy that made Cade want to know even more.

Thinking at first, Pyro stumbled over his words, and replied solemnly, “I was…well I ran away from my home. It’s not something I really want to talk about.” He pushed his full plate to the center of the table and stood up. “It was nice talking with you umm…”

Cade replied with his name, stretching out his hand toward Pyro. Pyro hesitated at first, but her shook Cade’s hand as he stood.

“…Cade. I’ll be on my way for now.” Pyro left the dining area.

Cade noticed a blade on his back; it was contained in a red sheath that had an elegant embroidered flame meandering down the scabbard. He observed how it glowed, ever so slightly. The sheath made its way from Pyro’s shoulders all the way down to his thighs. Usually only older people were able to carry such a large weapon. It didn’t seem to weigh Pyro down at all. Not only that, but normally only after years of vigorous training was a person able to control their magic as Pyro had to warm Cade’s food.

The idea of another boy his own age excited Cade. He hadn’t been around someone he could openly talk to and share his thoughts with in a long time. Hopefully Pyro would be sticking around town for at least a little while. Cade sat by himself as he finished his breakfast.

Cade made his way back to his room where he grabbed his light blade and sheathed it. Cade loved his trusted sword. It was light and quick to the kill. He slipped into his armors and slung the sheathed blade around his right shoulder. Cade wore lighter, leather armors as opposed to heavier, plated ones—he enjoyed the agility they gave him in battle. These paired with his short sword endowed a deadly combination for his foes. Cade packed his belongings into a bag and he left the room. He went downstairs and left several bronze coins on the counter.

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