Chapter 2

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I went skiing and snow tubing yesterday. So fun, but now I'm so sore. And my hearing is a little off. My friends scream a lot.


This is a long chapter, because I have a special thing planned for the beginning of chapter three and I have to get stuff in before that so....

Pepsi is a tribute to my real life cat who disappeared two months ago. I miss her so much. Her silky fur, her big green eyes, her three random patches of white. I'll never forget you Pepsi. <3

Dumbledore does what Dumbledore does. 

I recieved a letter from Ron shortly after Harry's birthday. Luckily, it was with Hermes, Percy's owl. How Ron pulled that off, I'm not sure but at least it wasn't Errol. It said:


We're to Harry's tonight. If you want to come, meet us in the kitchen at 10:00 pm tonight.


Breaking him out, eh? Didn't take me long to decide.


I'm in.


I sent it back with Hermes. I checked the clock. 6:00 pm. Four hours. I started to get ready.

Well, I grabbed my wand and a sweater and I was ready.

I played with Pepsi and before I knew it, it was 9:58.

A head appeared in my fire. I screamed. It was Ron.

"Oh, god dude! Don't do that!" I shouted at him.

"Shut it, would ya? If mom finds out she'll have our heads!" Ron said angrily.

"Oh. Right," I said.

"Are you ready to go?" Ron asked me.

"Yup," I said. "Now, get out of the way."

Ron disappeared and I went hurtling through the fire, until I realized I hadn't added the powder, and tripped on a banana peel, which caused me to fall backwards, saving my life.

Pretty damn amazing, huh?

I threw some powder in, then realized I didn't have my wand, so I went and got it. Then I had to put more powder in.

Finally, I appeared in Ron's kitchen.

"Took you long enough," he grumbled. I shrugged.

"Hey Fred. Sup George?" I greeted the twins.

"Hey," said Fred.

"Jinx," said George.

Hey, they completed each other's sentence!

Why can't Draco and I do that?

Meh, twin stuff is lame.

"So how're we getting to Little Whinging?" I asked, following the boys out of the strangely shaped house.

"With this," Ron said, gesturing to an old Ford Anglia.

"Eh?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "We're going to drive all the way to Little Whinging in this? I'm sorry, but if we are, I'm out."

"Not drive, fly," George said, grinning. I finally caught on.

"I get it... there's brooms in the trunk!" I said, excited that I figured it out.

Jinx Not-So-Malfoy and the Heir of SlytherinWhere stories live. Discover now