Chapter 18

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Sorry for the late upload I've just been busy and haven't really felt like typing chapters so here yeah go and if you have any questions or anything about the book then please ask away in the comments.


How was everything gone? It can't be true.

"Are you okay," I heard a worried Lucas ask.

"Yeah," my voice was rattling a little so I was hoping he didn't notice.

"Do you need me to go," he asked.

"No, stay," I said quickly.

I didn't want to be alone right now. Me and Devin might of broken up but that dosn't mean he had to leave back to his dangerous home.

"Okay," he walked over to me and just hugged me tightly.

"Let me make you feel better. Come on," he grabbed my hand pulling me out of the room.

"Where are we going," I asked him.

"You'll see."

He walked out the front door while still dragging me behind and through me inside the car.

"Hey," I yelled but once I landed the cushiony seat made everything better.

He walked to the other side and jumped into the drivers seat and got comtorble before starting the engine and driving out of the driveway.

"Are you kidnapping me," I asked him.

"You wish," a smirk started to grow on his face.

"Nah ah," I replied.

"Yeah sure but anyways were here," I stared at him weirdly because the place we were at was Chucky Cheese's.

"You know were at Chucky Cheese's right," I asked him weirdly.

"Yeah! This is the best place ever," he shouted.

He reminded me almost of a little kid on Christmas day.

"This is how you are going to cheer me up," I asked, trying to make sure he wasn't just losing it.


We both stepped out of the car and I noticed that about every dude in the parking lot was staring at my car.

"Everyone loves your car," I jumped because Lucas leaned in and yelled that right in my ear.

"Why do you have to be so loud," I asked him loudly in his ear.

He brought his hand up and clutched it over my mouth.

"I can be louder," then he screamed like a little girl, making me birst out laughing.

He let go and stared at me weirdly, "What are you laughing at," he asked.

"Your-laugh- it's- just- so- funny," after every word I kept laughing and laughing. Instead of replying he stomped off into the entrance of CC ( Chucky Cheese's).

"Don't be like this," I trailed after him while trying to hold back the laughs that were still waiting to fly out of my mouth.

"You called me laugh funny," his voice changed into a little pouty baby voice.

The laughs returned. This time I laughed so hard I curled up on the floor laughing. Parents were giving me angry glares.

"Sorry," I finally managed to get out.

"Told you I could make you laugh. Now let's go get some pizza," he started running but instantly calapsed to the floor when a giant arm flew in front of him.

"Need a stamp and 10 dollars admition fee," he said in a deep voice.

I got up to the floor and ran over to him, helping him up. We paid the man 20 dollars and got mouse stamps and as soon as he was done Lucas instantly ran to a multi-colored booth.

"You are so different when you are not around Gabe," I told him.

"Is that a good thing," he asked.



Did you like it? And if you see anything I need to correct then please say so in the comments.

Also if you have any ideas that you want to happen in the book then please say so in the comments.

Teaser: Vanessa and Lucas start to bond more, becoming close friends.

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