Chapter one

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I was taken to a really nice room. Vince went all out for me; I didn’t even have to share with anyone. The bed didn’t look like a hospital bed and I believe the colors were meant to be soothing. Ask me if they soothed me at all… Go ahead ask me. NO! They did not!

I was transferred from the wheel chair to the bed. Another contraction hit while they were strapping me in.

Ah it hurt like hell.

Flashback 9 months ago

I started walking through the woods again wiping my tears as I went. I really missed my father. I got home about fifteen minutes later and the house was dark from the outside. I opened the door and went in and everything was silent. Couldn’t even smell the roasts cooking. I headed to the kitchen clicking on lights as I went. Once there I saw that the oven was off. I checked inside and the roasts were gone.

The family must have taken them and gone to the pack house. Wonder why they would do that tonight? There isn’t a pack meet and greet or potluck going on. No need to take the food over there. I walked to the fridge and saw that it was locked. As were the cabinets.

Yes they lock the food up around here. It’s funny because I’m the only one who works and I pay for the food. And go to the grocery store and purchase it, then I cook for them. They take out something everyday for me to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner and the rest is under lock and key. I’m not allowed to touch their food.

See my family thinks I’m fat and disgusting. Am I fat? Yep. Do I care? Nope. I’m still a human being and I don’t deserve this but ah well. I learned something from reading Harry Potter. I went up to my room.

Made to look like a desk drawer is a mini fridge. I took out something to eat and started doing my homework.

Two hours later I heard the door slam and feet rushing up the stairs. It was my brother Jason.

“What the hell are you doing lard ass?” He remarked from my bedroom doorway.

I didn’t answer as it was pretty damn obvious what I was doing.

“So I was sent to inform you that your presence is demanded at the Alpha house.”

You would think that he could have just called or sent a text, but Im not allowed a cell phone because “I don’t deserve one.” I’m also not allowed a computer or laptop, nor am I able to use the ones in this house. I have to get up early to use the ones at school. It’s a tough life but I could be homeless.

I slid off the bed and walked downstairs, straightening my clothes as I went. My family hates when Im “un-presentable” but I’m not allowed to by new clothes. You figure it out.

Walking down the hallway I passed my mom’s room. It made me sad.  It always does.

After dad’s death my mom couldn’t deal with the strain and had to be institutionalized. They thought she was crazy, moaning about wolves and mates and such. See my mom is human, not wolf. Technically, only my brother Keith can change into a wolf so far. As we are half breeds it tends to be a tossup. I don’t know if I can yet because we don’t change until 18.  I turn 18 in three days so we shall see then.

I made it to the door and walked to the alpha house. It’s a nice house if you are into modern architecture. Its too stiff for my taste but my opinion doesn’t count for much around here.

I walked into the house to see everyone sitting around. My mom, the soon to be former alpha had had to pull some strings to get her released into pack care, my sisters, various pack members and the future alphas. We don’t know which will get it because they haven’t challenged each other or their father yet. We know its getting close. Dean is almost 30 and we can see he is ready. Daniel is 27 and Dominic is 22. They are all the alpha’s sons and will have to fight each other to see who is the strongest. After that they challenge the alpha. Whoever comes out on top is the new alpha having proven his worth and ability.

Either way they were all sitting around talking. Then everyone looked up when I entered.

Dominic just gave me the stink eye.

“Clean this fucking place pig,” He snarled at me.

See at first it was only my family who treated me this way. All except for Keith, but he left me to go to college and then he joined another pack. Too many painful memories here I guess. He used to be my protector, but now it’s just me.  Now I have to deal with the entire pack and their mistreatment. Still I could take it. Its only words and work builds character. Besides I pretty much expected this. Why else would they call me over? To enjoy my witty conversation? *Insert snort here* Puh LEASE!

I got to work, ignoring all the snide comments I could hear and doing my job.

I always understood the younger generation who constantly picked on me and ridiculed me. They were after all influenced by my brothers and his best friend, Dominic.

It’s the older pack members I cant understand. They ought to know better. But they don’t. They all blame me for my father’s death and go out of their way to make me feel some sort of pain. As if any pain could compare to losing your father and best friend.

I sighed and lost myself in my task. Cleaning the alpha house.

Flash Forward 9 months.

“You’re doing great Laurel!” I heard Aubrey telling me as I breathed through another contraction. As the pain receded I glanced at the clock. This is my fourth hour here and it isn’t getting any easier, and still no baby!

Anthony snorted. I whipped my head around to look at him.

“What? You sound like a wounded banshee,” he said. I watched him through narrowed eyes. Then took in the other three fools as they snickered.

“Well, you kind of did Ells,” Andrew replied.

I just laid my head back. I would show them.

When the next contraction hit I made sure to drop the barriers I was keeping up in my mind to spare them the pain I was going through.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” Vince yelled. If I wasn’t in a world of pain I would have laughed. Vince rarely cursed, and it was a big treat when he did.

The triplets were in varying states of distress around me. Aubrey was on his hands and knees screaming, Andrew was crying, like a little girl mind you, and Anthony was in the bathroom. Puking from the sounds of it.

I concentrated through my contraction and put my walls up. As the guys recovered from their mind link induced pain they all looked up at me with haunted eyes.

“Anybody else think this shit is funny? If so let the next comic step onto the stage,” I said calmly.

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