Chapter 11

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With special thanks to ladylibre, my amazing pre-reader and advisor. Her insights are simply invaluable!! Go read her incredible stories on fanfiction(dot)net if you haven’t already!! 

Chapter Eleven 

            Although I could not open my eyes, I felt myself being scooped up into strong arms and being laid on something soft. I could hear exclamations and shouts, but none of the words registered in my dizzy mind as a terse silence came over the room.

            An icy hand held my wrist for a moment, feeling my pulse as Rosalie had done earlier today. Two large, cold hands cradled my face for a moment, and despite the chill of the touch, I felt oddly bereft when the hands withdrew. I heard a rustle beside me as the man who was caring for me got to his feet, and the same deep, beautiful voice rang out above me, echoing through the quiet room.

            “That is no way to treat a lady, sir!” he growled, outraged.

            Mike’s drunken laughter reached my ears, and I cringed into myself as he slurred, “Bella? She ain’t no lady, man. But hey, you’re somethin’ else. I get wearing a costume, but staying in character? You must be part of the drama group, right? A wannabe actor? Ha! You gonna challenge me to a duel or something?” 

            The deep voice remained musical despite the subtle sneer I detected beneath his perfectly-enunciated words. “I would not bring up the topic of character, sir, since yours is obviously reprehensible.  How dare you attack a defenseless woman? Indeed I am sorely tempted to challenge you regarding the lady’s honor—if I were not certain that you would turn coward and fail to appear at the appointed place and time!”

            “Are you calling me a coward?” Mike’s anger was building.

            “Actions speak louder than words, sir; only a coward would accost a lady thus.”

            “And why do you care about Bella? Are you going out with her? You and the entire junior class, right?” Mike’s laughter was nearly manic at this point.

            A scuffle came to my ears, and the sound of a single violent blow was followed by the dull thud of someone falling to the wooden floor.

            “Will someone please escort this…gentleman…outdoors? He appears to be in dire need of fresh air.” The deep, musical voice was laced with sarcasm despite his seemingly polite words…words that seemed to come from one of my literature books rather than from real life….

            “Is Bella all right?” I vaguely heard the voice of Angela ask tremulously. “Did he…hurt her?”

            “I believe that when she was attacked by that vile man, she fainted. I hope that her injuries are not overly severe. She should regain consciousness in a few moments,” the deep voice answered, and there was a strong emotion lurking beneath his words that both thrilled me and frightened me a little. “If you will allow me to carry her upstairs, we may ascertain the extent of her injuries.”

            Again the strong arms lifted me, one arm behind my shoulders and one beneath my knees, my head tucked under his chin. As he carried me up the stairs, I noticed how very cold his chest was beneath my cheek. How could someone be so ice-cold? Had he been outside just before coming into the party?

            And who was this gallant stranger who had rescued me from Mike? And why did he speak as he did…as if he were from another time?

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