to much to handle - chapter 18

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Chapter 18

to much to handle

Oliver's P.O.V

Four days. Four worried filled days. Clarissa has been asleep in her bed at Ashley's house. My mom had decided that she would stay with us to see how Clarissa was doing. I want to know what's going on, but she hasn't even moved and my mother want tell me anything. Clarissa was like a statue and that scared me.

So many 'what if' questions came to mind every time I thought about her. What if she died? What if she slipped into a coma?

I held her hand in mine. Her hands were so hot. I didn't want to let go of her but she was burning up like she was on fire. I pulled my hand away from her. I ignored the burning sensation I was getting.

"Clarissa can you hear me?" I asked her. I'm talking to her body. I'm pretty sure she's unconscious but that didn't stop me. "Clarissa, I love you so much. I need you to wake up." I told her. I waited for something to happen but she still lay on the bed unmoved. Damn it, just wake up already!

Why can't my life be like in the movies where I get upset and she wakes up a few minutes later to calm me down? I just want Clarissa to wake up so I can look in her beautiful hazel eyes and tell her that she means the world to me. Tell her that I want to be with her, that I never wanted to be friends and I just wanted to do what she wanted. I love Clarissa and I wasn't going to waste a second after she wakes up to tell her.

"Oliver?" Was that Clarissa? Did she wake up? I looked at her but she was still asleep. I felt a hand on my shoulder. My hopes quickly fell. Well I figured that my mother had called my name.

"Oliver you need to get some sleep. You haven't sleep in days," she told me.

She didn't know what it felt like to have the most important person in your life laying on the bed unmoving and you can do anything to help. She didn't know that feeling and I hope she never will.

"No. I'm going to stay up until she wakes up." I told her. She didn't say another word, just walked out the door shutting it behind her. I was tired but if I went to sleep I might miss out on Clarissa waking up. I stripped off my shirt to where I was only in a pair of basketball shorts and climbed into the bed. For enough from Clarissa to where I wouldn't burn my skin off, but close enough that if she moved, I would feel it.

I closed my eyes and drifted to a much needed sleep.

*Clarissa P.O.V*

There's this voice that's been talking to me. The voice was in my head. Her name is Cayson and she has been telling me things. She said I will have to learn to control her, and that as soon as I wake up I will undergo a change. I didn't know what she meant but I went along with it.

We talked for what seemed like days in this dark room I was in. There was no light and I never got to see Cayson.

"What do you look like?" I asked her. She took her time to reply but she did.

"I'm part of you but I'm not human like you," What? "We are one." She told me once again. The lights in the room were suddenly turned on. Standing right in front of me was a midnight black wolf with hazel eyes.

"Cayson?" I asked the wolf. The wolf's mouth never moved but I heard her voice in my head, the same as before.

"I am your wolf Clarissa." This is crazy. Since when did I get a wolf? "Get down on your knees." I followed her instructions. When I was on my knees she started to get closer to me. "Clarissa it is time for you to wake up." She told me. "Wake-'' Cayson bit into my neck with so much force I thought it would snap at any moment. At one point I was sure it did. I couldn't stop screaming, the pain was just too much. It felt like every bone in my body was breaking and changing. I screamed until I felt Cayson disappear. She was gone. I collapsed to the floor. I'm so tired. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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