XXXVII: Know Your Frienemies

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 QOTC: Sakura: [Indicating the cursemark] Do they hurt? Whenever they come out?

Sasuke: Everytime.


Chapter 37: Know Your Frienemies

Remember the teams:

Neji: Chiruka Sakura Lee Shino

Sasuke: Kiba Ino Choji Sai

For a moment, no one makes a move. Suddenly, Chiruka could hear the faintest sound of something coming, footsteps that were inclining with a loud thud and a mixture of lions rawring. "On your left!"

"Ninja art: Super Beast scroll!" Sai yells, after rolling his scroll and squiggled with his paintbrush, bringing beasts into life. On one side of Team Neji, Sakura sees Sasuke disappear into the thin air. On the other side of the tree, Shino and Lee falls backward towards the flag. Everyone is moving and suddenly it's just like a real battle. Chaos.

"Stay behind my back." Kiba ordered, not turning to Ino.

"Um, sorry, I don't take orders from you, dick."

"What did you just call me??"

"We're wasting time." Said Sasuke, his palm forming a massive amount of lightning ball. "I'll go get the flag. You take it from here." He turned to Kiba. He nodded his head, as if guessing his thoughts. "Come on, Akamaru!"

Sasuke was nowhere to be found, Neji thought. His Byakugan scanned the entire place, but looks like he's perfectly good in masking his Chakra. Clever guy. Wherever he was, seeing Shino take over their flag with an entire colony of his ferocious insects made him breathe easier.

"Ninja art: Heavenly palm rotation!" The Hyuga prodigy yelled, spinning quiskly like an igloo with intensively blue Chakra.

And then there was Kiba. Coming right at him.

As Neji had exceedingly grew tired of using that jutsu, the Hyuga barely had time to reactivate his Byakugan and prepare himself for his first hand-to-hand combat with the young Inuzuka. "Human beast transformation: Double-headed wolf!" Kiba yells, with a single poof he and Akamaru had joined forces in a gigantic white dog.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Neji growled, triggering his Byakugan.

Kiba howled, but then, out of nowhere, someone sprung on top of its head, instantly teleporting on one side.

Chiruka nodded to Neji, giving him a headstart. She smirked knowing Kiba could really be a worthy opponent. "Your fight's with me, sugar."

"Come on, Ino, you can do it!"

"I'm trying!"

It all happened as they've expected. Remembering the rules, in which there are typically NONE, meant that Sasuke could easily teleport and sweep in at the flag in any moment. Sai held his sword and kept his eyes open in guarding their base, both Lee and Shino were on guard defense, and some—particularly by the sound of clashing kunais and the massive amount of Chakras being charged, have been hidden by the verge of smoke and the heavy fog. Ino, on the other hand was assigned take control of the Hyuga's body to make herself resourceful. Performing the jutsu is simple. The problem is locating her target beyond the unseeing enemy.

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