Chapter 104

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>>27th March >>

**Maddie's POV**

"Where's Carmen gone?" I ask, covering my face with my hands. Carmen giggles as I pull my hands away and make a face at her.

"Where's Carmen gone?"

I never get sick of hearing her laugh. Fred is lying a metre away on his back playing with a toy rabbit, gurgling and laughing. Little Fred, not the big one. Big Fred is off with George on Potterwatch. Trust them and Lee to come up with that radio station...



I turn around to see Alithea holding the rabbit looking guilty. As soon as Fred starts crying Carmen starts, which sets Alithea off. I pick the twins up, one in each arm and bounce them around. How the heck Mrs Weasley did this with three other children, I have no idea...

I lay them on the couch, give Carmen her teddy and Fred his fluffy beaters club (I'm serious, someone actually gave him one. Actually, it was big Fred...).

"Alithea?" I ask, kneeling down in front of her. She has tears streaming down her face. Hello terrible twos!

"Did you take that off Fred?" I ask. She nods, sniffing.

"Do you snatch from people?"


"Say sorry, then," I tell her, "if you do it again, you'll get a smack."

"Sowwy Fed," she says. Fred ignores her, chewing on his bat. I stand up and stretch, feeling my back crack.

"Ahhhh..." I sigh. I sit down in an armchair and pick up a book. I've read half a page when I hear crying erupt again. Alithea drops the beater's bat and runs from the room. I quickly comfort the twins and go to find her. She's hiding under the bed.

"One," I count threateningly, "two."

She crawls out from under the bed, her bottom lip trembling.

**George's POV**

Fred and I disapparate back to Aunt Muriel's. I walk down the hallway to our room and as I reach the door I hear a sharp smack.

"Ouch," Fred flinches, "I wonder what she did."

Alithea comes running out, crying, and grabs my leg.

"Daddy!" she cries. Maddie follows her out looking peeved.

"Don't you dare comfort her," she snarls. Alithea buries her face in my legs. Maddie pulls her away and sits her on our bed.

"Stay," she says firmly, walking out and closing the door.

"What'd she do?" I ask.

"Snatching again," Maddie replies, leading us down to the living room where the twins are playing on the couch.

"Does that really deserve a smack?" I ask hesitantly.

"No," she sighs, "but this does."

She holds up little Fred's arm. There's a neat little bite mark there.

"Ow!" Fred (the big one) exclaims.

"My poor baby," Maddie sighs, scooping him (the little one) up and cuddling him. I pick Carmen up and sit down, placing her on my lap.

"Other than that, how've they been?"

"I think Fred is teething," Maddie replies.

"I already have teeth."

"Shut up Fred," Maddie sighs, "he's chewing on everything and pretty much leaks saliva."

"Sounds gross... I hadn't even noticed."

"Shut up Fred," I echo, "let me have a look."

Maddie sits down next to me and coaxes little Fred's mouth open. His gums at the front are red and sore looking. I lean closer and see a tiny white bump on the top gums.

"Yep, teething," I say, "looks painful."

"It is," Maddie sighs, "he's been getting grumpy all day. I put some soothing gel on it and he's been better since then."

"Poor Fred," Fred says, "we have it so hard, don't we?"

I exchange an eye roll and smile with Maddie. She sighs and hands little Fred to big Fred.

"I'll go start on dinner," she says, "in about half an hour Alithea can come out."


As soon as I open the door Alithea throws herself at my leg.

"I WANT MY MUMMY!" she howls.

How is it that Maddie can give her a smack and leave her in the bedroom alone and Alithea still loves her more than me?

I pick her up and carry her into the kitchen.

"-and you've gotten terribly fat since the twins came," Aunt Muriel is saying to Maddie. Maddie rolls her eyes as she takes Alithea.

"You okay?" I ask her, "you look pale."

"I feel kind of sick," she shrugs, "just tired I guess."

"You need an early night," I tell her. She gives a half laugh.

"Can you put the twins to bed?" she asks, sitting Alithea down at the table. I nod and walk back into the lounge room.

"Bath time," I say, picking Carmen up.

"Need some help?" Fred offers.


We run a warm bubble bath and put one twin at either end. I keep one eye on the Freds while bathing Carmen.

"All clean," big Fred says, picking little Fred up out of the bath and wrapping him in a towel. He's starting to get sleepy and nuzzles into Fred's chest. I pick Carmen out and wrap her up too.

"They look quite alike," Fred observes, "and Maddie's delighted that they both have red hair and hazel eyes."

"I'd love a baby with Maddie's looks," I tell Fred as we put the twins in nappies and pyjamas, "could you imagine the huge black eyes?"

"That would be pretty cute," Fred agrees, "what do you think the chances are?"

"Looking at our record, not good," I admit with a laugh, "Maddie doesn't want any more children anyway."

"What?" Fred exclaims. I half-shrug.

"She only ever wanted two or three," I tell him, carrying Carmen into the bedroom.

"But... But..."

"I know," I chuckle, "but that's how it is."

I lie Carmen down in her crib and give her a soft kiss.



This is just a quick filler chapter... Our internet has been down for about a week and I'm going on an excursion tomorrow, so next update will be Thursday, hopefully!

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