Chapter 5 - The Notebook.

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 Chapter 5 - The Notebook.

The second mom was about to open the closet door and reveal a hiding -probably terrified- Ryan, the doorbell rung followed by constant banging on the door. Mom hesitated at the door before sighing, " Dont you move! I will be back." She warned.

" Okay." I agreed as she walked out of the room.

Checking that was downstairs, I ran back to my closet and pulled Ryan out, " Hide in the bathroom. She already checked it." I ordered.

" Okay." He quickly ran into my bathroom to hide. Even he knew the rath of my mother when her rules were broken.

I walked downstairs and saw my mom with Ryan's mom, " Mom whats wrong?"

" Ryan hasn't come home! We called all of his friends and no body has a clue where he was." Sobbed Mrs. Atwood.

Well I wasn't about to tell them he's hiding in my room. So I put on a shocked face and said, " Oh god. No!" Yeah Rebecca, tell a lie, that's not going to result in karma in which your mother finds the missing boy in your bedroom and then you'll have to go missing because you're mother will kill said boy and you'd be a witness. 

" Me and Quin are going to try to find Ryan. Stay here and wait incase he might come home." Mom said.

" Oh thank you so much Jill." Quinn Atwood thanked my mom before they walked out the door.

Once I saw them get into the car and drive away I ran upstairs. Locking my bedroom door, I went into my bathroom to pull Ryan by his ear. He yelped in pain untill I pushed him onto my bed.

" You always have to cause so much problems in my life!" I yelled, while my fingers jabbed his chest.

He rubbed his ear, " First of all that hurt! and second of all I didn't do anything. I came to check up on your psycho self because I thought your mother would have killed you."

" You did nothing? Lets see. You almost got me murdered because you thought that sneaking into the room of Jill Cohen's daughter- wasn't like asking to be killed. Second your mother is now going crazy wondering where her precious son is and I had to lie and say I had no clue because if I tell mommy dearest that a boy is in my room. We're both going to die!!" I was furious and I blabbed when I was mad.

That little jerk had the audicty to laugh, " Your funny when your mad. Chill out."

" Please dear god dont let me murder him." I prayed aloud.

Grabbing my wrist's, he pulled me onto his lap, " Breathe! Everything is gonna be fine; they'll go around looking for a couple hours and come home to find me sleeping on your couch."

" Why would you be sleeping on my couch?" I struggled to get off his lap.

He tightened his grip on my waist, telling me to stay in place, " Because you'll say you went looking for me and you found me."

" But I wouldn't go looking for you." I replied.

He laughed, " I know that. Im just saying you can tell them that and then you can also say that you let me sleep on the couch because you had to make sure I wouldn't leave."

" Okay can you let go of me now."

Shaking his head, he picked me up bridal style, " No, I really dont feel like it."

" You do know this is a type of molestion." I said as he walked down the stairs.

He sat on the couch, with me still in his arms. His hand traveled down my body, " This is molestion."

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