No Turning Back - A Vampire Diaries Fanfic 26

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I'm so sorry this took me longer than I said it would but life likes to get in the way lol. I hope you enjoy this chapter though and I promise the next chapter isn't far away :D

Last chapter Klaus kidnapped Elena.

Damon kissed Charlie and she didn't stop him… does this means she's forgiven him or was she just worried she wouldn't see him again?

Damon left Charlie with Caroline and Matt and told her not to follow him.

She went after him only to run into Brice. Brice told her he has Jeremy.

His expression darkened his lips turning into a sinister smile. "I have to admit you're good. But you will come with me."

"You can go to hell," she yelled. "You can't compel me and you can't kill me..."

"Oh, I know I can't compel you that's why Klaus has leverage," he smirked.

"What do you mean?" she asked warily.

"Little Jeremy Gilbert."…

Chapter 26

"You're bluffing," Charlie said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Brice took a step towards her, a sly grin forming on his face. "You really want to take that chance? You'd really put Jeremy's life at risk?"

She took a deep breath. "I just don't understand why Klaus wants me? My blood can no longer harm him. So why can't he just leave me alone?"

"Klaus doesn't want anything from you per se; he just wants you out of his way."

"So Klaus isn't completely fearless after all," Charlie said with a slight smirk. "He's scared I'm going to try something tonight."

Brice chuckled darkly. "Nobody is completely fearless, Charlotta. Everyone has a weakness..."

"And that there is proof..."

"To what?" he asked, cutting her off.

"That dead or alive we still have humanity... that we still feel. Even you... 250 years ago you let yourself care enough to help me."

"Maybe so. But that one thing doesn't make me a good person."

"You're anything but a good person, Brice," she scoffed. "But as you stated everyone has a weakness..."

"And what's mine? Please share your thoughts on the matter," he said sarcastically.

"You're a spineless coward. And you let Klaus control you," Charlie spat.

"Enough," Brice shouted, losing patience.

"You really can't stand the truth can you?" she said with disgust.

"Nor can you."

"What do you mean?" she demanded.

"You and your friends, whatever you're planning, you're wasting your time. Nothing is going to stop Klaus from breaking his curse tonight."

"You're wrong," Charlie said firmly.

Klaus still believed Bonnie was dead. She was their secret weapon. And with both Bonnie and Elijah on their side they had a good chance of killing Klaus.

Brice shook his head. "You see, your boyfriend has already pissed Klaus off today and he knows you helped. Freeing his vampire and werewolf was pretty clever... yet rather naive. Klaus always has a backup plan, so your little stunt really didn't cause too many problems."

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