They Know

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Chapter 16: they know
-Bex p.o.v.-

"Please, we need you." James was holding my hand to keep me from escaping.

"I don't want to. It's stupid." I groaned trying to pull my hand away from him. "I hate Quidditch. You know this."

"Please, don't do this to me. I need you, Bex, I need you on my team." He was pretty much begging me to stay on the team. "Wood is gone, Kaleb is focusing on his N.E.W.T.s and Hunter quit because he was hit with that bludger and his ribs cracked in half."

"Sorry, James, but I let you talk me into it last year, it's not going to happen again." I shrugged a little.

"But I need you. I already have to replace the keeper and two of my three chasers. Don't make me find a beater as well."

"I'm sorry James." I smiled sympathetically. "But I'm not being on the team again."

"Please, Bex, I am begging you." He looked me straight in the eyes and spoke in the most sincere voice possible. "I need you. You are one of the best beaters that I've ever seen. You're amazing at Quidditch, no matter how much you hate it."

"That's flattering and all James, but I'm not joining." I spoke firmly.

"How am I going to find someone that can deal with Sirius and is as connected as you are to him. You two have this connection on the field. You know exactly what to do and how to play together. It's beautiful, the way you two work together on the pitch. No one else can deal with him." James spoke logically, "please just think about it, you're my last hope."

"Alright, James, I'll think about it." I promised.

"Thank you so much." He grabbed me in a hug, "I'll need your answer by tryouts, if you could tell me before that."

"Okay, James," I sighed, returning his hug.

"Thanks Little Potter," he mumbled in my ear, "it means a lot to me."

I gave him a half smile, "no problem Potter."

He chuckled, "come on, the rest of the other two are waiting in the great hall." He threw his arm over my shoulder and lead me out of the common room.

"That reminds me, I should visit Peter in the hospital wing. The poor little guy, he's always falling down those stairs." I frowned.

James chuckled slightly, promising we could go later tonight. "You're sitting with us, right?" He asked sounding hopeful.

"Uh, I'm sitting with Severus and Regulus, actually." I grimaced, "I'm sorry James, but I already promised them."

"Oh," he frowned, "that's okay, I guess." He tried to sound happy but failed. He looked anywhere but me, studying the people in the paintings as we walked past them.

"I'll sit with you guys at lunch and dinner, though." I offered.

He perked up, "really?" His hazel eyes gazed into mine, the hopefulness back into them.

"Yeah, it'll be fun to sit with you guys again." I smiled up at him, "I missed you guys."

"We missed you too." James ruffled my hair a little, "don't think I could live with myself if you hated me much longer, Little Potter."

"Bye James," I said when we reached the great hall. I gave him a quick hug before skipping off to Regulus and Severus.

"Aria," Reggie grinned, hugging me when I reached them. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm great actually," I grinned back at him, wrapping my arms around him.

He pulled back to look at me, "does this have anything to do with Potter? You seemed happy to be in his presence." He raised an eyebrow jokingly.

I giggled, shoving his shoulder a bit, "shut up." I turned to my other side, facing Severus. "Morning Sev, how are you?" I hugged him tightly around his middle.

"I'm good, so what's this about you and Potter? You aren't dating him again are you?" He chuckled, smirking slightly.

"Would you two shut up about that." I rolled my eyes. "But I have something to tell you, something private. You can't tell anyone about it, no one at all."

"Alright," the spoke together, smirking at their unity.

I giggled, rolling my eyes. I grabbed their hands and began to lead them away. I pulled them out and onto the grounds, over by the lake.

"So what's this big news?" Severus asked curiously.

"I'm adopted," I said right away, not wasting any time.

"Adopted? Dumbledore adopted you?" Regulus asked in confusion.

"What happened to your real parents?" Severus asked, concern being the main emotion leaking from his words.

"They died," I frowned a little, "so yeah, my dad adopted me."

"Who were they?" Severus asked softly.

"James Potter's Aunt and Uncle." I mumbled softly.

"You're related to Potter?" Severus exclaimed.

"Um yeah, my father and his father were brothers. So James is my cousin," I explained, not making eye contact with either of the two.

There was silence for a minute before I looked up hesitantly. "You're related to James Potter?" Severus asked, when he said James' name all the hatred he had towards him was evident.

"Yeah." I mumbled, looking down. "I know how much you hate him, you don't have to be my friend anymore. I doubt Lily wants to be either."

Another moment of silence passed before he spoke again, "Aria, that's not what I meant. I'd still be friends with you even if you murder someone. Of course I won't be too pleased with you; but I'll still be your friend."

I grinned up at him, "thanks Sev, and just so you know, I've made them promise to leave you alone. Because you were my friend before I had even met them. You'll always be more important to me."

We spent the next hour discussing the situation of my adoption. I told them everything I knew, I trusted them with my life, I could trust them with keeping my secret. I explained my powers and the prophecies that were made about me. They found out about my visits with Lord Voldemort. They now knew everything.

"That was a lot to be filled in on."
Regulus chuckled.

We all were lying on the grass, staring up at the clouds. It was calming and I enjoyed spending time with them. "You know, guys, we should probably head in now, classes will be starting soon."

"I guess." Regulus stood, holding a hand out to help me up.

I smiled gratefully, and walked with then up to the castle. "Bye guys," I started off towards the Marauders. They continued to walk with me, "guys?"

"We're coming with you," Regulus answered my confused look.

"We need to make sure they know not to hurt you again." Severus elaborated.

I sighed, but allowed them to come with me. As if they knew I was coming towards them, the boys glanced up at me. They smiled at me but frowned in confusion not a second later after noticing me walking over with Severus and Regulus.

We stopped before them.

James opened his mouth to speak but before he could Severus began to speak. "Now you listen here, Potter. We know everything. So if you don't treat her with the respect she deserves, we won't hesitate to hex you. She deserves to be happy and have fun, not to be sad and angry because you and your idiot friends enjoy to have fun at her expense. So treat her right, or we'll take her from you, and we'll treat her the way she should be treated."

He was quiet for a second, "don't worry, we will."

"Good." Severus nodded in content.

"Hello brother," Regulus nodded in greeting. "Just know that I know your secret. And if you don't, I will take her from you and make sure she never knows. I'll keep her from you and I'll treat her right."

Sirius clenched his jaw, "you wouldn't."

"Of course I would, she's like my sister, I'll protect her from anyone and anything. Even you," he narrowed his eyes at Sirius, "hopefully that is incentive enough for you to not hurt her."

I watched the scene in confusion. What were they talking about? I thought to myself.

"Bye Aria, I'll see you later," Regulus hugged me.

I smiled, hugging him back. "Alright, bye Reggie." I hugged Severus next, "bye Sev, I'll see you guys later." I waved as they walked away.

"That was," Remus paused, searching for the correct wording. "Interesting."

I giggled, "they can be a little over-protective sometimes."

"I can tell." He chuckled, "it's good to know that you weren't completely unprotected while you were not speaking to us."

I rolled my eyes, "I can take care of myself, you know."

He chuckled, nodding, "trust me, we know you can."

"Hey Sirius, what's this secret that Regulus says you have?" I turned to him, suddenly, interest and curiosity filling my eyes.

He choked on the pumpkin juice he had been drinking from. "Oh um, it's nothing. Don't listen to him," he ran a hand through his hair.

I shrugged, forgetting about it. "Oh hey! Guess what!"

"What?" James questioned.

I pursed my lips, narrowing my eyes at him. "That's not a guess."

He sighed, "fine, did you decide to join the team?"

I rolled my eyes, "no James, guess again."

"Did you buy a unicorn?" He guessed.

"Nope," I smirked, "again."

"Did you go to the library?" He questioned.

"No where near it." I giggled, "seriously, that's your guess?"

He groaned, "just tell me."

"Fine," I rolled my eyes at his impatient behavior. "Remember how the prophecy is coming true? Well I got a power."

"Really? What is it?" Remus looked up from his book, interest clear in his eyes.

"I can read minds." I grinned.

James' jaw dropped, "what? No way!" He exclaimed, his eyes were bright and he couldn't help but grin.

"Yes way." I giggled. "Think of something," I told him, looking deep into his eyes. I focused on his mind and allowed his thoughts to be heard.

S'mores would be wonderful right now. James' voice said inside of my head. I closed it out, breaking eye contact.

I giggled, "you're thinking of s'mores."

He gasped, "you really can read minds!" He whispered excitedly. "What is McKinnon thinking about?" He looked over at Marlene.

I rolled my eyes but looked at her as well. I focused on her, allowing her thoughts to enter my mind.

Herbology is due next Monday, Defense is due in two days, and Arithmacy is due Friday. I should do Defense tonight, get if over with. Marlene pondered to herself.

"She's thinking about homework." I told him.

"That's so like her," Sirius chuckled.

We spent the rest of the time before our first lesson reading random peoples thoughts.

It was nice being with the boys again. I really had missed them. It was a sort of relaxing feeling, just knowing that things were good again.

They know! Severus and Regulus know! Lol so what did you think? Bex is back with the Marauders and Sev and Reggie threatened them, how cute :)
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