Chapter 48- Dirty Laundry♡ (Part 2)

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*Rayon's POV*

The first thing I expected Indiana to do, was punch, kick, and  scream at me. But to my surprise,  she actually didn't. She stopped dead in her tracks, looking in disbelief.  Then, in one swift motion, she tackled me into a hug. A smile slowly spread as I held her slightly smaller frame against mine. She pulled away with tears in her eyes and an uneasy smile.

"Ray! Where have you been?!?"

"Planning to help save you. Actually, I'm surprised you aren't slapping me right now." I  smirked.

"Ohh trust me, I would if my hands would allow me to." She  smirked back.

"So..what happened with her?"I  pointed to Bella,  who currently was in a half - conscious state.

"Don't even worry Bout her, where's my Prince? And the boys? "

I groaned and she raised an eyebrow at me.

"You know good and damn well the boys don't listen to me, right?"

"Oh gosh, what now? "

I started to contemplate on whether or not I should tell her about the plan, the last thing I want her  to do is freak out. Especially when no one knows that all along she was just used as bait. Drifting deep into thought, I forgot Bella was still in the room,  so when she began to rlecover, it startled me. She looked like if she could, she would kill Indiana. I sent her a warning look, she wasn't supposed to be fighting Indi,  but helping out Ayani with the other girls held hostage.  I'm not quite sure why Wesley has them captured, except for for the occasional fuck,  but it was pretty dumb to keep them here. He wasn't torturing them or even using them took expand his business. See? I told y'all the nigga was an Idiot.

Bella left to go complete her job, she very much so knows what I'm capable of if she doesn't obey my orders. I had enough dirt to blackball her from any kingpin,  nationally & internationally. And that little boyfriend of hers too.

Getting back to Indiana,  I just shook my head, "Now's not the time, we have business to take care of "

"What business? " She folded her arms over her chest, which was barely covered by the clothing Bella had given her. How stupid is the little bitch? Bella, that is

I slapped her arms down lightly, "You'll see. In the meantime,  just chill out. You deserve to after having all this stress."

"What about the guys though? "

"Oh, they're outside planning on how they're gonna bust you out. Whatever you do, do not leave with them. It's time I call the shots for once."

"Aight, what's the plan?"


"Ray -"




Just then, Roc shot off the front door and the boys busted through, fully strapped. They didn't even have an bit of surprise in their expressions when they saw me. The only expression I could sense behind their nonchalant attitude was anger and betrayal.  And that was definitely not the case.

Okay, so maybe it was in their eyes, and maybe there is a secret motive behind all of this anyway. But, if I did tell them the secret motive, I could risk having myself killed, and even the others because it would impact them without a doubt. Sometimes in this game, it's better to  have a mouthful of  food & not speak, rather than not have any food at all, but a mouthful of secrets. Get my drift?

Bella ran frantically downstairs along with 2 other girls that were chained upstairs. One was Asian with dirty blonde hair and the other was white with purple pastel hair.

"Bella?!? " the guys whispered loudly.

Bella narrowed her eyes at the guys and turned to me.

"Ayani is gone, Ray! "

"What do you mean she's gone, Isabella?! "

"Wesley took her! And killed her right infront of us! " The asian girl cried in her dialect frantically.

"Ray! What are you gonna do? " the white girl said.

"I know where he took her, and we all need to get there quick. He's on to our plan."

"So, he must not be as dumb as he looks " Prod smirked.

"We have to go now, what about Jaden?? " Bella asked.

"Yeah, yeah, We're gonna save him. Chill out. Now can you please make yourself useful,  sweetheart,  and take the remanding girls in the van. I'll ride with the guys and Indiana. "

"Hold up, nigga. Didn't you try to kill Indiana?!? " Prince had his gun pointed towards me.

As he came closer, I looked down the barrel of his gun in disbelief.

"WAIT! no, Ray's been helping me escape! And to grow profits for our hustle! You guys just refused to listen to him "

"I had the answers, and y'all pushed me away. Y'all always fucking underestimating me! But look who figured all this shit out before perfect little Prodigy did! "

"Yo, you acting like a real bitch man! " Prod barked.

"Naw,  fuck you!  Ever since ya ass came down from Philly,  you thought you ran the game,  but ain't that the shit that got you shot? That got us in all this deep shit -"

"Listen, you all know through you don't give a damn about nobody else but yourself! Listen to yourself man ! The only reason why you're going all out is because you wanna be credited,  and you wanna be told "Good job Rayan " ! Fuck that ! Yeah, we may have gone through some shit, but it has always been TOGETHER!  Now you put YOURSELF and others in danger. Ayani is dead because of you!  And Jaden could be virtually on his way down that path right now!  For all we know, he could be 6 feet under! "

"Let's go..we have to find him..."

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