Telling him

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"So, tell us what happened!" My friends were asking me.

"I don't really wan't to talk about it at the moment..." I replied.

"Come on, how bad could it of been?" Hollie asked.

"Very! That's why I'm not talking about it." I told them.

"Please?" begged Laura and Hannah.

"Come on," said Ellena.

"Just leave me alone!" I screamed.

My name is Emily, and the reason I have all those questions is because I went to go find the boy that I have a crush on, and explain to him what happened. He's called Luke. You see, he didn't know until half an hour ago, that I have a crush on him.

Half an hour ago

I was in the dining hall eating lunch with my friends like I do everyday, when Luke's friends came and sat on the table next to us. I said to myself, "Damn, now Luke's going to come over too," which normally would be a good thing, but I get really nervous around him. My friends and I were chatting, when he came over with his dinner. There was no space on the table with his friends, so he asked me if I was nearly finished my lunch. I told him that I wasn't, but then I spotted the empty seat next to my friend, Ellena. "Can you move up one?" I asked her. She did, so Luke sat down next to me, which made me extremely nervous. At that exact moment, everyone on my table started giggling except Luke and I. Because I didn't want him to think there was anything weird going on, I started acting like it was the most random thing they could ever do, by saying, "What, what!" a few times. Luckily, Luke was talking to his mates, but he turned around, and heard me saying what. We started talking, and I'm not sure how it got to this; he started guessing what we were laughing about. First he pointed at Laura, then made a heart shape, then pointed at himself. I was saying quite loudly, "No!" So he carried on guessing. Pointing at ME, making a heart shape for about 6 seconds, then pointing at himself; he had guessed right. "Yes... and no... and sort of...," Laura was saying. As I was leaving, she asked me if I wanted her to tell him. I said no, because I wasn't quite sure if I wanted him to know or not.

A few minutes later, they came out of the dining hall. I was going to be so frustrated with them if they had told him! Especially as I asked them not to. "Did you tell him," I asked them.

"Of course we didn't," Hollie replied.

"I only asked because you sometimes you do what you think is 'best for me'." I told them.

All my friends started asking me how I felt, and if I wanted a hug, or if I was going to need cheering up at any point in the day, come to them. This was getting really strange, and I eventually decided to go and tell him what happened. It took me a while but I eventually found him playing football on the field with his mates.

15 minutes ago

"Luke?" I asked.

"Yeah?" He said.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure thing."

We went off the pitch to avoid getting hit by the football. It really hurts. I mean, once in Year 6, I was walking along the side of the pitch, and this boy called Matt, whacked the football at me. I had a gigantic bruise at the side of my head for weeks! "It's about what happened in the dinning hall," I began.

"It's cool," he told me, "I don't know why you were giggling, but I'm sure it's not important."

"But it is, that why I came to look for you. I wanted to tell you that the reason why they were laughing was because... well... I have a huge crush on you..." I whispered the last part.

"Errrm... well that's... interesting. I'll just be... getting back to the game now..." he said to me.

"OK, that's good," I replied. I walked away, back to my form room, to find questions from my friends, about what happened. I kind of lost it, and here I am in the girls bathrooms.

What if he thinks I'm crazy, what if he's going to be really mad at me for having a crush on him, what if-

"Emily, are you in there?," Hannah shouted to me.

"I know she is, I can see her," Ellena said.

"Let me have a look," Hollie replied to them.

Opening the door, I said in a hurry, "I'm in here, there's no need to have a look!" And with that, the bell rang.

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