chapter 13

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Mr cookie :please vote for team s cause we entered the watty awards !

Hello everyone, thank you all for reading this I am now number 45 on the what’s hot list , I am so  happy I would cry ,I really can’t thank you guys enough , my mum thinks I am a Looney now since I am grinning like an idiot since I saw I am on the what’s hot list , but I really can’t help it . I really am so happy, so thank you, thank you, thank you all.

<<------------please vote------------->> check out Gargamel :P

Ok now onto the story

Adam pov

I hate today , I really, really hate it , no it is not associated with a bad memory , and no it is not a bad day , and no I wasn’t woken up early , it’s a day hated by every students , parents meeting day .

You wonder why I hate it so much, well it’s because I am me , the prankster , and even though my principal is cool , the teachers are not at all .

“Hey honey, ready for your meeting the parents day?”Mom said evilly, she really loves making me suffer.

“No, I am sick, can I stay at home.”

“No way, buddy, you are going to come along, and I better hear good stuff about you or you are dead.”

“Hahahaha, Adam good? Oh you crack me up mom really.”My idiot of a sister said.

“Shut it, Gargamel” my sister glared at me, ha-ha, she really hate him.

“Mom, can we have fish today for dinner?” she smirked at me, oh that witch, she really is Gargamel.

“You know your brother has issues with fish “mom said, while barely holding her laughter.

“Uhh, I hate you people “I said dramatically, while pitting my head inside my hands, they started laughing at me. See how great my family is? Please note my sarcasm.

“So Adam, what is up with you and storm? You guys are pretty close.”

“Storm? I haven’t heard anything about a storm.” I jerked my head up fast “she is a friend, nothing else.”I said fast, too fast maybe.

“Yeah, right! “Mumbled Nina.

“well I will be happy to meet her today , Is she coming ?” shit no ,that can’t be happening , if my mom met storm and told her weird stories about me , I am doomed , she is going to torture me for ever .

“No way ma you are not going to meet her, unless you promise not to tell her any embarrassing stories about me “

“What? noooooo , you can’t do that , that’s my job to embarrass you , I am your mom “she complained like a 5 year old , that’s the thing about my mom , she is so cool , but she adores embarrassing us .

“And there is Scott also; I so have to embarrass your sister in front of him.”

“Scott? as in storms brother Scott? Why?” I asked confused.

“You really are dense honey in those things, so I am not telling you “I just shrugged, as long as they don’t date, it’s ok with me, and they are not dating, right?

“Ok guys come on lets go “mom said happily.

“Noooooo “we exclaimed together, guess Nina is on my side now.

“Shut it kids, and move you sorry butts “

At school I saw a group of my friends , standing there I told mom to head before me so I can say hi to them , I  went to them , storms brothers were among them.

“Hey guys, how are you hanging?”

“Hey, Adam I see you aren’t any better than storm “sky said

“Yeah, we planned a running away for our lives plan, if things went out of control “I said hopefully.

“Where is she anyway?” Nina said from behind me

“With mom somewhere.” answered her Scott, smiling brightly? Why is he smiling like that at my sister? Oh no, no, no, no, this can’t be true.

I looked at my grinning like an idiot , sister and yup it is true , shit , no wonder mom called me an idiot , how could I not see this coming .UGH I’ll just have to deal with this later .

“I am going to find storm” and I ran to the entrance.

There I found my mom talking to storm and Mrs. Stars, ahh I am doomed.

“Hey guys, what are you talking about?”

“Hey honey, I met storm “mom said grinning

“And it happens that her mother and I used to be friends in high school “

“Really that’s great “I said nervously, storm looked at me wither innocent eyes, oh no that is never a good sign, she is up to something.

“Whatever you are planning storm, keep it for some other time, I really can’t deal with it today “

She looked surprised at me, like someone told her she won the lottery without even participating.

“Storm, are you ok?”

“How? “ She mumbled


“How did you know I was up to something? No one ever could tell what I am thinking, so how did you do it?”

“Ah, you always have this innocent look in your eyes when you are up to nothing “I shrugged like it was nothing. She looked at me in awe .our mothers gave us a knowing smile, and for some reason I had the erg to blush, but I didn’t because I am awesome. I looked at storm and saw her , bright red , she was so adorable , I never saw he blush before , she looked like a little puppy , that I wanted to hide he from everyone and lock her in my room forever .

That’s all folks!


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