Chapter 13

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Monday, October 21, 2002

Kendrick's POV

The f*ck was that? I thought as I walked home from Yn's house. Was she scared or somethin'? Did she think I was actually gonna hurt her? Nah, she knows I would never do that. But, seriously, why was sh--

"Hey, Kendrick!" I heard two voices call out to me from across the street, inturrupting my thoughts. I looked and saw two girls from school.

I waved and said, "Hey, Aaliyah. 'Sup Jasmine?" They giggled as I turned my attention away from them and continued walking and kicking stones.

Out of nowhere, Jasmine and Aaliyah appeared at my sides. Jasmine on my left and Aaliyah on my right. I was hella confused but I ain't feel like talking at that moment. I just kept my hands in my pockets and continued on my way home.

"K. Dot, what's wrong?" Aaliyah asked me as she wrapped her fingers around my right arm.

"Nothing," I said. I was starting to feel uncomfortable. Yeah, these girls were cute but they creeped the sh*t out of me.

"Come on, Kenny," Jasmine said, wrapping her hands around my left arm as we walked. "You can trust us." I choked on air. Ahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahaha!!! Trust you?! Y'all some crazy motherf*cking b*tches talkin' bout 'You can trust us', I wanted to say. I tried my best to hold myself back. They were sweet and I wasn't tryna hurt them. They got some big ass mouths, though. If you were to tell them that a couple went on a date last night, they would tell the whole neighborhood that they had sex, the boy's baby momma beat their behinds, the girl's baby daddy helped the baby momma, the girl's pregnant with twins, the boy has aids, both baby's died and then they all saw Jesus. And somehow, everyone would believe them.

"Nah, I'm good," I replied to the both of them.

"You sure?" Aaliyah asked, placing her head on my shoulder.

"Yup," I said, fidgeting a little. I was starting to feel uncomfortable.

"Does this have anything to do with Yn?" Jasmine asked curiously. I didn't reply.

Aaliyah lifted her head off my shoulder and gasped. "Did that b*tch hurt you?!" she asked, concerned.

"Number one, she ain't no b*tch," I said as I pulled my right arm out of Aaliyah's grip. "And secondly," I said as I pulled my left arm out of Jasmine's grip, "I'm not sad so if y'all could step off my back, I'd be hella happy." I placed my hands back into my pockets, not paying any attention to their reactions.

"Umm, okay," Jasmine said, awkwardly.

"Sorry, Kendrick," Aaliyah said.

"It's cool," I assured them.

"Uh, we gotta go. See you around, Kenny," Jasmine said.

"Yeah, it was nice talking to you, Kenny," Aaliyah said. They both smiled and gave me a hug before turning the other direction to walk off to wherever they were going in the first place.


Once I got home, I unlocked the door and entered. I took off my shoes and noticed a man sitting on the couch, watching TV. The man turned his attention to me and a huge smile appeared on his face, expressing his joy to see me. He leaped off the couch held his arms open.

"Dad?!" I yelled, running into his arms.

"Who else, nigga?!" He yelled back. I pulled out of the hug and dapped him before going back in for a bear hug.

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