Febuary 2

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Febuary 2: Stars

The moon was up and the sun was down and as the last traces of sunlight faded the cool white radiance of the moon covered the earth. It was quiet except for nature's hum: the ballad of the wind and the orchestra of insects. Everyone had dozed off and I found it easy to work my way out of the window and into the yard. My presence would not be sorely missed. I looked up above to take in the magnitude and brilliance of the multitude of stars I could see. They sparkled and twinkled, becoming the gem of the sky. I sat down on a comfortable patch of ground and laid on my back. The smell of nature in the grass, the gentle caress of the occasional breeze, the beautiful sky, it was a rejuvenating feeling. The interaction with an amicable mother nature, had drawn the feeling suppressed through the hardships of everyday chores. I let my eyes drift, shifting from star to star, focusing on not one, but the immensity of the entire sky. My thoughts finally caught up with the moment and I mused, like I often do, and thought of a great many things. Suddenly, my thoughts cleared and only one was left of the jumble of thoughts. The lonely lonely stars, light years away, only hoping the message could be received, to wait an eternity for just a word, a torture indeed. Something welled up inside me but I knew not what it was. I only felt the weariness of life permeating my very body. It ate me from the inside, feeding on what I held dear and poisoning it, defiling it. How could I know back then? The stars, they could only whisper, a whisper thousands of years old, talking to those who had long perished. The memories came back, my façade fading away. The iron wall I built, the moat I dug, all for the sole purpose of driving all those memories away, came crumbling down as those emotions stormed my heart, mending it at hundreds of places whilst stabbing it at a thousand more. I gently closed my eyes, removing all the stars, driving away all that started it. I could only wish for it all to end. At that moment, a warm trickle rolled down my cheeks.

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