Boot Camp [ 5 ]

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I am completely fucked.

Ryan Brooks

You could tell that the whole camp were holding their breaths. I glanced from Lanie to Sean. Why wasn't he the one who was running camp fire? Why is Goodwin here, and why the hell is everyone so tense?

Sean had clenched his jaw, his hands curling into fists. I turned my gaze back to Lanie and Goodwin. He was walking toward her and my hands mimicked Sean's. Kris's leg kept bouncing up and down anxiously. I wanted to tell him to cut it out, but I grinded my teeth together. Goodwin placed a hand on Lanie's shoulder and two rows in front of me, Moore shifted -- noticeably -- in his seat, clearly as uncomfortable as I was.

Goodwin cleared his throat and then readjusted the satchel that was around his shoulders. He kept it close to his body, patting it every once in a while.

"Lane Noelle Daniels, seventeen years of age. Blonde hair, blue eyes, five feet and one inch tall, one hundred and ten pounds. Lane Noelle, what is your biggest fear?" Goodwin bent his knees so he was eye level with Lanie. Her nostrils flared as her eyes darted from Goodwin to nowhere in particular, over and over. Goodwin chuckled. "That's alright, Lane, you can tell us. I, of course, already know. I know everything about you."

He stood and then he spoke. "You came here in 2008, when you were twelve years old for breaking and entering, defacing private property and attempting to murder a police officer." Lanie's face fell and I could understand why. This man was about to spill her entire life in front of all these people.

People looked from one another, finally finding out how Lane had gotten here in the first place. Kris glanced at me and I felt like apologising, telling him that the rumor of her parents being spies was much cooler, but I only looked back at Lanie.

"This was strange for your parents," Goodwin continued. "You had never gotten in trouble before and you had suddenly jumped from their little-goody-two-shoes into this brat that they didn't think that they could control. And then, through out your years here, Lane Daniels, you have just been a large pain in my ass. You've attempted to escape a numerous amount of times, which is truly disheartening." Goodwin stopped pacing directly in front of Lane.

"I thought you would enjoy your stay here. Especially after you met your good ol' friend Cal," I saw Moore shift again, and guess he was who Goodwin was talking about. "But you know what I think?" Goodwin leaned over her, his hands on the chair's arms. "I think you only got close to Cal Moore because he reminded you of home."

Lane's nostrils flared again and this time when her eyes darted away from Goodwin, I sware she looked directly as me, our eyes locking for at least a milisecond. "What's that kids name again? Oh, yes! Of course! He just arrived here didn't he? Ryan Brooks?"

I felt more than a dozen eyes shift to me, but I kept my eyes on Lane. From my peripheral vision I could see Moore shift again, the veins in his neck bulging.

"So tell the camp, Lane. Tell them your biggest fear," Goodwin backed away from her and when she stayed silent he sighed. "I'll tell you what, Lane," he says, condescendingly. "I'll tell them what it's not. How about that?" He pats his satchel.

"It's certainly not leaving your parents forever, we know that they couldn't give two shits about you," he waved his hand, as if it was nothing. "It's not about never leaving this place, you fit in quite well when you're not trying to escape." He used his fingers to count as he spoke. "It's obviously not losing Cal Moore, or Ryan Brooks for that matter. I mean you don't truly like Cal, do you? He's just a replacement. And Ryan, you obviously know you'll never lose him because he's so obviously in love with you that whenever you decide to go running back to him he'll welcome you with open arms," Goodwin glanced over to me, he knew exactly where I was sitting, and then sent me a wink. My jaw clenched tightly.

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