Chapter 1~

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I promised @BlowYourSpeakers I'd post this Jarlos story.. it sorta sucks.. so don't leave mean comments please!!

I got the idea to write this story when I was listening to "He Is We"

I love this song, and I think it was a good 'base' for writing

So umm.. I don't own James or Carlos... yet... >:)


There he stood, crying his eyes out. Holding on to the only thing that could make him smile, seeing their blood drip down his hands. He tried desperately to stop the bleeding. Doing everything he could... but he was gone…

Carlos was dead.


 It wasn’t always like this. Carlos was loved by his family, everything was so great.

His father respected him, and he told him to grow up to be just like him. He could have a wife and children, then he could work for his father; being a police officer.

The young boy tried so hard to be like his father, but no matter how hard he tried… he ended up ruining everything.

It was the day the new boy moved in across the street. He was 15 same age as Carlos. They quickly became friends, best friends. Carlos’ father told him not to get so involved with the other boy, he told him he should be more interested in girls. But the truth was, the pretty brunette was the one who made Carlos’ heart flutter.

It all started the day he met the brunette. The way his sandy brown hair fell perfectly on his head, the way his chocolate brown eyes sparkled in the light. It was the way he made the young Latino feel, that’s when his heart would skip a beat. The way his smooth, gently voice would say him name.

The way he’d text Carlos in the middle of the night, just to talk.

J-“Hey Carlos, I hope I didn’t wake you.”

C-“It’s fine James I was staying up to talk to you anyways :)”

J- “Aren’t you sweet! ;)”

C- “Well thanks! :D”

J- “Is your dad still there?”

C- “Yes, but he’s sleeping.”

J- “Hold on..”

James would climb threw his window into his room. Risking being grounded, but he wanted...  he needed to see Carlos.

He would crawl into Carlos’ bed, there they would lie. Talking about the future, and how they would be together forever.

“James can I ask you something?”

James  smiled his bright smile at Carlos.

“Of course Carlos, you can ask me anything!”

The Latino’s cheek lit up in a bright red colour.

“W-What if I said I liked guys instead of girls.. and maybe I like someone.”

James put his arms around Carlos, pulling him against him. Carlos rested his head on James’ chest, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

“Then I would say... he must be the luckiest guy on earth...”

Kiss Is All Better ~Jarlos~Where stories live. Discover now