Chapter One: The T-shirt.

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Sam's point of view


"Right, you cannot go to school wearing that! You look suicidal!" My best-friend Kelli yells while rooting through my wardrobe for the second time. Why can't she get it? I don't want to stand out! I don't want to be noticed and I certainly don't want to sit with the populars like she says she is going to make me do today! I sit on my own, with my typewriter. But no! Now I have to sit with ambiguous jerks who pushed me into lockers for most of my life until I became best-friends with Kelli, the cheer caption. Kelli flips her blonde hair behind her and holds up a t-shirt with a jet black wolf on with green captivating eyes.

"Now this one I love!" She throws the shirt  at me and goes back to finding some matching shoes and pants. I rub my head from where the coat hanger had attacked me. How does she have such a big throw when she is so skinny? She pulls out black skinny jeans she bought me last Christmas and she nods her head in approval.

 "Now this is sexy!" She says while pushing my red, fake vans out of the closet and handing it all to me. The shoes fall out of my hands, I reach down and grab it.

 "I don't want to be sexy!" I say while falling backwards onto my bed and sigh out loud. Why do I have to do this?

 "You have to be sexy! It's your sixteenth birthday after all!" She says while clapping her hands and jumping up and down. For her family the sixteenth is a big thing, when I ask why she just says "I might tell you one day." But she never does! I look up to see her blue eyes are shinning with excitement. They remind me of the sea.

 "Get ready! I will wait in the car for you!" She yells at me as she runs out of the room. I slowly sit up and look at the clothes and I roll my eyes. I wanna be invisible! I stand up and pull on my t-shirt. I grab the jeans and slide both my legs through the jeans.

 "One, Two, Three!" On the count of three I suck my stomach in and I do a large yank upwards. The jeans are tight but I will live. I slide on the shoes, not bothering to put socks on as I fasten up my laces. A large honk sounds from outside making me just and fall backwards and onto my ass.

 "I'm coming!" I yell. I pick up my typewriter and I put it into my gym back, I pull on my dirty satchel which has numerous holes in. I do a double take as I pass the mirror in the hallway, I run down the stairs and I narrowly miss falling down. I hate having my birthday on the first day of school! When I open the door to go outside I see Kelli putting her blonde hair into a tight ponytail. I run around the car and carefully place my bags into the backseat of her bright pink land-rover. I slam the door closed and I open the passenger door and climb into the seat.

 "You took so long!" She says while applying a cherry scented lip gloss in the mirror.

 "Drive!" I say as I spot my parents coming out of the house with happy birthday signs and wearing over sized hats. Kelli looks at what I'm gawking at and her mouth just drops to the floor.

"I'm going!" She slams her foot on the accelerator sending us both flying backwards into are seats. I turn on the radio on full blast, we both start giggling and yelling the lyrics to our song, "Year 3000" By busted. She makes a sharp turn into the school parking lot making a fat girl dive out of the way onto the floor and sends her ice-cream flying into some kids trumpet.

 "Slow down before you kill us! And by us I mean ME!" I scream as she pulls into her parking space, she throws her sunglasses into her purse as she starts climbing out of the land-rover, I follow suit and I climb out and onto the hard rock ground of the schools parking lot. I open the door and I pull out both of my bags.

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