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Chapter Three

"Adeola! Adeola!" She felt some one shaking her shoulders, but Adeola didn't pay any attention.

She mumbled and stirred, but she fell right back asleep.

All of a sudden, a bucket of water came splashing down atop her head. Adeola's eyes popped open and she leaned over the side of the bed.

"You know damn well that was coming, child," her mother reprimanded, shaking her head. "Now get up at once, the master wants you in the house as soon as possible."

"The master himself?" she repeated, confused. What did he want from her?

Then panic started to set in. "Momma, he's not gonna separate us, now is he?" Worry was evident in her voice.

Winifred sucked her teeth. "Child, there's no good in talkin' that foolishness. You've been there before, just go on and see what he wants."

With that, Adeola was pushed out that door, and had to make her way to the main house.

The main house was white and prestigeous, while the shacks that the slaves were forced to live in were dirt brown and made of rotting wood.

Knowing this, Adeola clenched her fists together with anger, but it subsided as soon as she neared the door.

"Hello, Addison, my husband is waiting for you out in the back," the master's wife, Mrs. Grace Lanters greeted as she walked through the door.

Adeola didn't bother to correct her like she usually did when she arrives her because she knew that was her "English" name given to her and Mrs. Lanters would go on about the meaning behind the name.

"Morning, Madame Lanters," she replied, continuing to walk through the house.

Before she walked out of the house, Addy shook her head to make her hair less wet than it was. Her hair was stil poofy and in her afro styled hair, so there wasn't much that could be done.

Walking through the back door, she glanced out to see the master, Mr. Winston Lanters outside praticing a shooting range.

He aimed the rifle at the target and shot it, making her frightened. When Addy looked up, she saw the bullet hit a bullseye.

"Master?" Winston jumped up in surprise and pointing the gun at her.

She squealed and hopped backwards away from the master, only to trip over a bucket behind her.

Adeola felt herself falling down, but was easy caught in between two strong arms. She closed her eyes, still expecting to resume the crash onto the ground, but it never came.

"You awake there, darlin'?" a familiar voice that sounded like liquid silver questioned her.

She scrambled off him and steadied herself, trying to ignore how where his hands just were felt as if they were seared into her skin.

"Addison, I have assigned you a new place. You are way too yound to be a field worker, so you are our new house servant," Winston told her. "By tomorrow, you will be moved into the house in order for you to be on call."

Adeola blinked in shock. She was being moved?

"Oh and one last thing, Addison. This is my son, Kristopher, he recently moved back from his schooling in Pennsylvania," he introduced.

Addy slowly glanced up at Kristopher through her eyelashes and she saw her intense gaze upon her.

Gulping, she looked over to Winston. "What would you like me to do now, sir?"

Winston turned around to aim at his target. "Have Kris show you to your room."

Kris made a motion to follow him and they walked towards the front of the house to go up the stairs. 

He pointed to the last door at the end of the hallway. "That's your room right dowh there."

She turned to scurry her way down the hallway, eager to remove herself from his line of sight.

"And Addison? I look forward to your living here."

Adeola only quickened her paces, now having a legitimate reason to hide.


A/N: wat. it's been five months. I just read my last author's note and cringed when I said my next upload would be soon when it really wasn't. I'm so sorry again guys :(

*sigh* silly me.

but anyways, I uploaded! I'm so proud of myself that i finally wrote something :D

to conclude this author's note (i dunno when I'm gonna upload next tbh)

xoxo, laceless.

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