Falling through Time

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This is just a short story but I hope you all enjoy! I know everything is all jumbled and confsuing but thats how its supposed to be.....considering time is running away from them that is. :)


Falling Through Time

“ There has been a significant amount of time lost today. Nobody knows where its going or if we will ever gain it back......” The television was cut off as my mother came down the stairs.

What have I told you?! I don't want you to watch stuff like that! Its all bull made for the media so they have something to chew on.” My mother glared at the TV like it was threatening her. “If you want something to do, read a book.” She turned around and stomped back up the stairs.

I sighed. All she wanted me to do was read. I had memorized every book already, thats what happens when you have a photographic memory, but that didn't satisfy her. She didn't even want a TV, but dad made her buy it before he died. She just never had the time to get rid of it. The TV was the only way for me to get new facts, but she insisted that I didn't watch it, said it was rotting my brain.

I glared at her retreating figure and turned the TV back on, lowering the volume so that she wouldn't be able to hear it.

“ Scientists have been studying this problem of lost time. They predict a black hole has come dangerously close to the Earth, therefore sucking away time. Many would say that this is impossible, but yet time is indeed disappearing.” The television whispered at me, showing charts that proved in the last month we have lost a weeks worth of time. “ It has been predicted that by next week we will have lost a years worth of time. And after that? Well who knows.” The news crew signed off and I sighed.

*I guess I had better get to bed* I thought to myself. Trudging up the stairs I felt myself drifting off. When I finally reached my room I quickly changed into sweat pants and a ratty T-shirt before climbing into bed. Not noticing the hours going by in a matter of seconds.

-=- The next morning-=-

“ This is totally a TGIF day, huh hunny?” My mother asked. My eye brows bunched together in confusion as I checked the calendar. I could have sworn yesterday was Monday. Maybe the time really was being sucked away.

You don't look so good babe. Go back up to bed and sleep.” I complied and made my way back up to my room, the floor spun and I knew I was in trouble. Bolting for the bathroom I held my hair back and threw up.

*Something is definitely wrong. I never throw up.* I told myself I needed to get to the doctors. I made my way back down the stairs, grabbing my keys and my license. As I reached the door a knock rang out. Opening it I saw the love of my life – Josh.

Hey babe. Your mom said you weren't going to school so I'm gunna spend the day with you.” He looked me over. “ Nu-uh. I don't care how sick you are, you are NOT leaving this house.”

But...” He cut me off, picking me up bridal style he laid me down on the couch then climbed up behind me. I snuggled into him and as we watched the movie called ' Rain Man' I drifted off.

“ Morning Hun.” I said rolling over, to look at my boyfriend. I felt so much better. I was met with a kiss, my legs wrapped around his as we kissed and he tugged me in closer. His arms traveled my waist and I pulled back. He shot me a sheepish grin and apologized. I smiled at him and went off in search of food.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2012 ⏰

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