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  • Dedicated to Perseny for being a great friend :)

The wave of warmth over-took my body, humming through my body. Summer in California was my favourite time of the year... Until i turned into a Vampire.

It was the beggining of July and my mother Gloria and I were going camping in the mountains. My mum was nineteen when i was born, my hair is blonde and almost reflects the rays of the sun, hung below my shoulders, almost too silky to be a teenager's. My eyes were like my father's, greeny-grey like an over-cast day, but he unfortunately passed when i was six from prostate cancer.

When we arrived, my mother got straight into the ivy growing in the trees. Luckily i was able to sneak off before Gloria was able to notice. Around half-an-hour later, I reached a small cave in the side of a hill. I was feeling a little adventurous so i desided to do some exploring. Five meters into the cave, the sun dimmed into a haze at the end, hardly able to make out the trees. I accidently tripped on a stone and sliped on the ground, falling onto the mossy ground. Further into the cave i heard a shuffling sound.

"Who's there?" i shouted, acting brave. Another shuffling sound bounced off the walls the a slight wheasing sound. A small light flicked on where the sounds came from. there stood a guy around seventeen years old, only one year older than me, with brood shoulders and brown shaggy hair.

"Look what i've got for dinner Harriette. Another friend for you, of course you can't have her until i've finished first." the guy said to a lifesized ragdoll laying limp in the corner. But once i looked again i realised it wasnt a ragdoll, it was a human girl dead and drained of blood!

"Oh my god! What happened to her? We have to get some help, call an ambulance!" I shouted as I ran over to the deadgirl, her eyes were dark and her skin was as pale as the boy stamding over us. His face held with no expression what so ever. He flipped the girl off with a wave of his hand as he made his way to the other side of the cavern.

"It's too late for her now. Been there for days she has." he said, I gasped sharply in discust.

"I think her parents would like to know where she is! Whats your name?" i replied in shock. he turned to me, now holding up a dead rat in his hand, he threw it worthlessly on the floor and lifted me off my feet, he leaned in close so i could make out his expressions as he spoke.

"Shes an orphan, don't have no parents and your parents wont have no daughter now, my names Anthony and you better remember, cause i'm the one who's saved your lives. Yes lives with an 's'. " he hissed then within half a second he sunk his teeth into my neck, draining my body of its fluids. i fell to his feet, dumb-founded and weak from his bite. There he left me for three days. No food, no drink, no help. Though everyday i grew stronger, healing my wound and gaining powers. My hearing, sense of smell, and sight improved, bit by bit Anthony nursed me to health. Feeding me young deer and badger, raw. He grew me strong enough to climb the highest trees in America. Then one day Anthony dissapeared and never came back.

I set out to find him, I had to. He gave me a new life, a new way of thinking... new hope. What about my mother? She was devestated to hear that I drowned in a creek further up the track. Aparantly I slipped in and couldn't climb back out, my body never found, how did they assume? Anthony left mud tracks as he dragged in a water buffelo. Anthony wasnt a savage vampire, he was a hero, a savior, a god.

I ran to every vampire clan in the state, asking if they'd seen Anthony anytime, anywhere. I needed to find him. He had much more to teach me, i hadnt leaarnt the dangers of humans if they found out about us. Not even how to sneak up behind prey to feed. I had starved myself on small rodents and domestic pets. But then i met a Vampire who had once known Anthony when he were a human. he told me things, showed me how to live without a mentor. once i had learnt that Anthony had been tracked down and torchered by the local werewolves. At first i didnt beleive him, but if there where Vampires then there had to be werewolves. I was furious and made a pact with the man, he never told me his name but said to call him D.T. I was furious by the murder Anthony, and made a pact to find these werewolves, but not to kill them but to understand why they took his unlife and then if it isnt good enough, then i will kill them.

" There staying in an abandoned house north of the wheat feilds not far from Carpen Lake. Be silent and don't kill anyone unless they attack first." D.T warned me as he showed me to his front door.

"Thank you, so much... I don't know what i would do without you." I replied, hugging him goodbye. He nodded slightly as i hopped into my car. I put it into neutral and rolled out the drive way and sr=atrted the car with ease as i pulled out onto the road i looked into my reveiw mirror, and just as i did a loud bang eccoed through the town. The war was on.......






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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2012 ⏰

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