Blood on my hands

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Alexander Brothers-Blood on my hands

I tore his throat open with my bare hands as I looked for him. He had to be here. He had to. They only took him a hour ago.

I'm so stupid! How did I think I could like someone like him and think everyone would just accept him. I looked around frantically, searching throughout the first floor and then the second. Door after door, I couldn't find him. I finally took a breath in as I opened the last door. I saw the body limp, his body, limp. I rushed towards him, falling to the floor. My voice was stuck in my throat as I tried to call his name. He was dead. All because of me.

I felt light head smelling his blood. It's all my fault. My wolf felt a connection. I know he wasn't my mate but I didn't need a bond to like him. I let the tears fall freely. My first time ever crying. I wiped my tears furiously as my dad appeared in the doorway with some warriors. I screamed mad, as I punched my fist in the floor breaking the floorboards until my fist were bleeding.

I looked at the blood from my knuckles laughing. I couldn't feel the pain. I refused to feel the pain throbbing in my hand. I deserved the pain I caused him, the pain they caused him.

"Wake up!"I looked at me dad confused, what is he talking about.

"Wake up!"

"Wake up!"

My eyes suddenly opened and I saw Caine hovering over me, looking down at with me concern wiping the tears that had fallen from my eye."What's wrong?"

I just stared at him, not saying anything. Not moving. Even my mate couldn't take away the guilt, dreams or flashbacks. I shut my eyes closed to clear my thoughts but his face appeared. Haunting, plaguing my thoughts again.

I reached my hand to the dresser grabbing my phone and looked reading 10:21p.m.

I got out of the covers turning on my light to look for my clothes in the dark room. I found my panties slipping them on then my skirt finding my bra and shirt then finally my boots. I looked up to see Caine staring up at me with his eyes wide and jaw hanging.

"You're leaving?"he said in disbelief.

I put my phone in my pocket,"Yeah."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going on border patrol. "I said half lieing half truth. I needed to think.

"Just stay in bed."he said patting the side next to him.

I shook my head putting my long hair into a ponytail,"I can't, I'll come back before sunrise."

"Stay here!"he demanded.

I lowered my voice to a whisper and raised an eyebrow,"What did you say?"

"Stay here."

I laughed an evil humorless laugh, "Remember what I told you, I will not bend at your every command. I have to go, I'll come back it's not like a one night stand. Imagine, that's how the girls felt when you left them? Someone's mate, someone's daughter, someone's sister."

I felt all his emotions like a giant force all at once. Anguish, worry, sadness, regret. I felt bad when there was lots of worry and sadness.

"Babe, I'll come back."

He sighed defeated knowing I wasn't changing my mind,"Okay."

I sighed getting on bed straddling him, kissing his exposed chest,"Don't be mad?"

He moaned,"I-"

I stopped kissing his chest,"I take that as a yes."

He sighed," Yeah, babe how many kids do you want?"

"Three boys."I answered instantly.

"Triplets? "

"No, twins are rare, I don't think I'll have triplets."

"Hey, you never know and I want a girl too."

I snorted,""

He leaned up on his elbow as I got off of him."Why not?"

"I just don't. I'm scared I'll turn out like my mother and my daughter would be as fucked up as me. But enough of that, I'll see you later."

He kissed my lips as I left. I closed his door and made my way towards the pack house door. I was almost out the door when I smelt an intoxicating smell. It smelt like Caine but more woodsy. I shook my head, I must be hallucinating. I ran to my border seeing border patrol.

"Hey Chase."

Chase turned around and his smile brightened when he saw I was alone.

"Hey Chloe."he smelled the air,"You mated?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just asking."he said looking down.

"Want to go on a run."I asked as I saw warriors coming to replace Chase. He put his arm around my shoulders as we walked farther in the woods. Chase calmed me, maybe because he just always had a calm, patience, nice aura, whenever I was around.

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