Chapter 15

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(Chapter 15)

(Angel POV)

I stare in awe at Blake's friends; they were huge, almost as big as Blake and there were three of them.

"Hi I'm Angel," I chirp moving out from behind Blake and looking up at them as Blake chuckled. I moved closer and poked each of them, they were super hard like Blake which is so awesome. I circle them and probe their backs before crawling up the guy with brown hair back. When I reached the top I looked at him over his tense shoulders.

"Hi, you have good energy, but also bad, is there something wrong," I asked curiously only to receive a glare and a low growl, I pouted and looked at Blake, his energy was turning fast.

"Don't growl at me, its completely rude," I grumbled pouting as Blake pulled me off his back.

"Watch it TJ," he said giving him a look I looked between the two of them, laughing a little as TJ's face turn to shock.

"Angel this is TJ, Brian and Cameron," he pointed to each of them, I giggled and waved, Cameron seemed like a nice guy and I can tell just from the way he looks that he can bake. I go to him quickly and pull him down to me grinning as he raised his eyebrow.

"Um I like cake, chocolate cake, so can you bake me one when you have free time or cookies, cause I like those too," I whispered softly giggling as he stared at me as if I had grown another head.

"How," he asked curiously I giggled and patted his head.

"You have the look and your hand looks like a bakers, I know a lot of bakers," I stated in a matter of fact tone. His hands weren't super big like everyone else's and neither was he, he had a soft look to him, unlike Blake and the other two, they all had that rugged outdoor look.

"I'll see what I can do," I squealed and hugged him tightly. I think we'll be awesome friends

"That'll be awesome," he gave me a thumbs up as Blake pulled me back to him, I giggled and looked up at him.

"I hope we can be great friends," I chirp bowing to them only to be pulled up by Blake, who was now growling. He's been doing that a lot. I keep telling him to stop, but he won't stop.

"Don't bow to them," he grumbled I frowned in confusion.

"Why not? They do it in Japan when they meet new people," I explain only to have him palm his forehead; I shrug and turn back to the big monsters with a smile.

"Brian you and I will go to the park together one day," I state he looked like he was the active one out the group so he can go skating with me. I looked at TJ watching him watch me. He was kind of weird and he looks a little grumpy, but I think he's a nice person.

"Red," I pouted and hugged Blake hiding in his chest I don't want to talk to Jace.

"Awe come on, I apologized so much and I brought you some candy," he said as Blake chest rumbled I peeked out seeing him holding out Reese pieces. I loved chocolate and peanut butter. I look at Blake as he glared at him, but snatched the bag away from him, handing it to me, I giggle and tear into the bag pulling out the golden chocolate, I pop it in my mouth moaning and hugging Blake as my toes curled in ecstasy.

"So so yummy," I mumbled shutting my eyes and eating another piece.

"Don't I get a thank you or something," Jace complained I turned to him and shook my head.

"No," I muttered stuffing my face quickly before Ashley comes, she doesn't like when I eat candy well specifically chocolate, I'm not sure why though.

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