ƈԋαρƚҽɾ 19

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hello guys :) You all are just incredible, thanks for all the lovely feedback.

here's chapter 19, enjoy :)


Zayn doesn't go back to the library. He can't make himself go to the library even though he desperately wants to see Liam. He just can't. He knows that it's not his fault, Perrie was the one that pushed herself on to him. But Zayn knows that he could have prevented it from happening. 

Zayn knows he wouldn't be able to look Liam in the eye until this matter gets cleared up. 

But Zayn doesn't want Liam to know either. 

He was so very afraid of losing Liam. 

So, Zayn went straight home, pain in his chest cause he left without even passing an "I love you" to Liam. He knows that Liam is still probably waiting for him but he hoped that Louis handled it all. Handled Liam. 


Zayn was now pacing in his room, his mind running wild with thoughts and he tried to figure out just how to tell Liam without completely having to lose him. He was so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't even hear Harry coming home and neither does he hear Harry walking into his room. 

Harry coughed slightly and Zayn snapped out, turning towards Harry who raised an eyebrow at him. 

"You left school without telling anyone" Harry said as he entered Zayn's room. Zayn let out a small sigh before he dropped down on his bed, pushing a hand through his hair. 

"Fuck, Harry. I messed up" Zayn whispered as he let out an annoyed groan and fell back onto his bed. He closed his eyes, Liam's smile immediately flashing into his mind. He was not going to be the one that wipes that smile off Liam's face. 

He's not going to be the person that hurts Liam. 

Because he was supposed to be the person that loves Liam to death and back. 

"What happened?" Harry asked as he sat down next to Zayn. 

"You know Perrie Edwards?" Zayn asked slowly, fist clenching at her name. Harry noticed this and he placed his hand over Zayn's stopping causing him to relax. Harry knew Zayn had anger issues and he didn't need Zayn going furious right now. 

"The one that's in your English class and has a thing for you?" The words slipped out of Harry's mouth before he could stop them and Zayn looked up at him, shocked. 

"You knew?" Zayn asked. 

"It's obvious. She's always staring at you" Harry replied, shrugging. "Anyway, what happened?"

"She kissed me" Zayn mumbled. 

"And you let her?" Harry asked, a soft gasp leaving his mouth. 

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