Chapter Six: In which Arnesse is reunited with a Friend

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Arnesse found that being a part of Claralinda's retinue was not so bad as it might have been. Claralinda had maidservants to dress her, care for her hair and assist her with other aspects of looking like a princess. Since Arnesse had needed to perform all those duties while serving Duchess Helga, she suddenly had a lot more free time. Claralinda's attention was also rather sporadic so there would be stretches when she didn't require Arnesse's presence.

Arnesse was able to spend a lot more time in the library and a quiet, largely ignored corner of the castle's extensive gardens. She used the time in the library to learn as much as she could about magic in general, particularly pelydryns. Claralinda had insisted that Arnesse become a permanent fixture in Claralinda's Flying Circus of Compliments (as Arnesse had privately dubbed it) so that the magical qualities of the pelydryn could be discovered. Arnesse's conscientious nature meant that she didn't feel right taking advantage of Claralinda's inability to focus on anything that wasn't actively flattering her. It helped that she found magic an interesting subject.

But there was a very significant downside to being a member of the Flying Circus. Arnesse's freedom to go home was dictated by her employer. Duchess Helga's affable nature meant that Arnesse had been able to return home to her family with relative ease. Helga had promised her that she would be permitted to go home for as long as necessary during any crisis, and she had been allowed to visit her family for a week at a time as many as three times a year. Arnesse didn't go three times a year. She didn't think it was fair. Claralinda's policy on holidays was that no one could possibly need or want one if it meant being separated from the excellence that was her fine self. This was rather hard on Arnesse, who didn't exactly dislike the city but certainly liked the forest more. Furthermore, it meant that she wasn't able to see her family or Pickles. Her family made this up by coming to visit her sometimes, but there were too many of them to ever come all at once, and she wasn't the only one who didn't live in the forest anymore. Pickles could not easily come visit her. It was a three day ride from Arnesse's home in the forest to the city, which was a long time for a small frog.

On one hot summer day Arnesse was to be found sitting in the shade of a willow tree in her favourite quiet corner of the castle gardens. If I am to be quite honest, I would have to say that she was moping. She wouldn't like it., but it's true. Generally speaking, Arnesse was not the type to do anything as silly and futile as mope, but no one is perfect. She had tactfully and subtly brought up the subject of a chance to leave and visit her family with Claralinda the day before. This had been totally unsuccessful. Not only had Claralinda been so distracted as to force Arnesse to abandon tact and subtlety in favour of the conversational equivalent of bludgeoning, but once Arnesse had managed to get her point across (only barely avoiding actual bludgeoning), Claralinda had simply laughed as if it were some great joke. Arnesse had finally managed to get Claralinda to say that she was not allowed to go on a holiday. Because it was Claralinda, it was not, "No, Arnesse, you can't go on holiday", but "Oh heavens Arnesse, why would you want to go on holiday? Won't you miss me? Of course you will! Besides, I simply couldn't spare you. You're sooooo important to me."

Now, as she sat beneath the willow tree and thought back on it, Arnesse was beginning to feel a bit irritated again. It was manifestly untrue that Claralinda couldn't spare her. She wasn't in attendance with the Flying Circus today, was she? Arnesse went back to moping. The truth of the matter was that Claralinda's desire to have Arnesse around was, like all of Claralinda's desires, rather sporadic. She had certainly gone a week before without requiring Arnesse's presence. But letting Arnesse go to see her family would mean that Arnesse wouldn't be there if Claralinda suddenly wanted her. Arnesse sighed. She could hear someone coming down the garden path. She retreated further behind the curtain of the willow's branches. 

"Lady Arnesse? My lady?" a voice called, and Arnesse, peeking through the willow leaves, recognized one of the ubiquitous castle pages. She sighed again. She had hoped to be left in peace for a while.

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