Chapter [22]

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  • Dedicated to My sister, Danielle :')

Andre Wester

I stood infront of the mirror like a giddy teenager. 

Be cool man, I told myself.

I had about an hour till Cass would arrive. "You are hot." I said to my reflection, "You are smooth." I said again. "You are confident." I repeated this same chant until I got it into my head. Still, it was no use. "You are one foxy papa." I coaxed.

What was I coming to? I shook my head in disdain. I was a complete bag of nerves. I'd never experienced this feeling before, I just wanted to impress Cassandra. In the past, it was the girl trying to 'up her game' for me. But how do you expect a girl that's perfect to do any better?

Tying the bow-tie neatly, I adjusted it to make it perfect. Five sprays of Lynx later, and I considered myself ready.

Now, where was my jacket?

Jason Rogers

 Man, was I glad to have her back. I listened carefully to her story as she explained where she'd been and how Andre had come to find her. My guts wrenched at how she spoke about him, but I kept a casual smile on my face. We both lay on my bed, hands wrapped behind our heads, talking just like old times.

"Hey Cass."

"Hm?" She looked over slightly, but I kept my gaze on the ceiling.

"Remember that time, when you said you wanted to own a star."

Her eyebrows furrowed as she fought to remember. "Yeah!" She said after a while, chuckling. "You said you'd get one for me and the next day you came in with a yellow scrunchie on a chopstick!" 

"Hey," I said, acting offended. "That, was a work of art." I boasted, "I mean we're talking Pablo Picasso standard dude." 

"Yeah right. I took it out once to play and the scruchie blew off in the wind. Swore I'd never talk to you again for giving me a fake star."

"Not very good at keeping promises now are we?" I smiled.

"Blah, blah, blah." She mocked.

I shook my head tutting playfully. 

Andre Wester

 6:45 - Just fifteen minutes to go.

Cassandra Mc’Connell

 I laughed, I'd relaxed more now. "No, no Jase!" I whacked him playfully. "I saved you when you got stuck on top of the jungle gym in first grade." 

He clutched his belly in laughter, "You're in denial Cass. None of that happened! I remember you with pigtails and a bright pink dress, crying because you got stuck up there after Moody Margaret dared you to climb to the top." I pouted and he smiled and added, "I saved you missy be grateful."

"Not in this lifetime pal." I retorted. "I'm sticking with, 'I saved you.' No doubt about it."

"Whatever floats your boat Cassy." He paused thoughtfully, after a few minutes he spoke. "Be careful ok?"  

I looked at him questioningly. "You still don't trust him do ya?

He shook his head, "Nope, not particularly."

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