Chapter 18 (Part 2): Publicity

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Chapter 18 (Part 2): Publicity


Brit is forcing me to come with her to the airport today. I have no idea why and what's so important here. I already told her that we have to do our project. I guess I'll just do it tomorrow then. Sigh. But nothing can stop her.

"What do you want?" I asked her irritatingly.

"Just wait, you'll see. You won't regret" She winked.

"Ugh" I try to collapse from her grip on my arm but she's strong. Pft.

I crossed my arms in my chest like a child. "Please." She shook her head, disapproving.

"Hey!!" She called from far away. Lol.

I didn't look around thinking it was just some of her friends. But no.

"Babe!" Someone called. I turn around.

"OMG" I'm speechless.

Brit let out a chuckle. "They wanted to surprise you."

"Surprise!" Niall said putting me down from his long Horan hug.

"Surprised." I pout. "You know that I hated surprises the most."

"Aw, so you don't want us to be here?" Louis pout.

"Course I do! I'm just not ready. I look like a dead ugly retarded whale."

They all giggled. "What?"

"You're not ugly. You're always beautiful." Niall said then placed a soft kiss on our lips.

Brit fake coughed. "We're on a public place remember?"

"Get a room!" Harry yelled.

"PDA!!!" Louis shouted.

We both stuck our tongue out to them. "But guys I really appreciated it." I smiled.

"Our pleasure" Zayn bowed. Lol.

"Btw what are you guys doin here?"

"We have a surprise concert here tomorrow for ya" Liam said.

Really huh? They made a concert here for me? Lol okay.

We drove to our house and why did Brit got their numbers? Lol simply Brit just looked at my phone for their numbers ah. I'm so glad that my 4 new besties are their first time here in our home and they like Gail, we're like twins lol.

Mom liked them. We all had a long convo and Niall left to visit his mom's friend, the mom of Sandi, One Direction's bass guitarist in their old house beside ours. Then came back after hours for the food mom made for us, pasta lasagna, grilled chicken and drinks and desserts. Love it.

Rolly seemed to don't appear now. Which is good cause he'll be out of our life now. And think that he already got a new girl. Wew. But mom would be really upset, she really love Rolly and we don't really know why and what spell did he put in my mom.

We went to my room and played Truth or Dare there before mom called us to eat at the backyard. It's getting late now and they have to leave. Aw. At their hotel which is just in the other corner of the street. Cool yeah?  Then it's pretty late and I decided to sleep.

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