Chapter Turty Seven!

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"NO!" I screamed dropping my phone not even caring if it breaks. I run as fast as I could, but I'm afraid I might be too late.

8 hours earlier.

"I missed your mom and sister." I said to Harry leaving his house. I stayed the night since it's the weekend.
"I missed you." He responded
"I missed you too, babe." He smirked.
"I like when you call me that."
"Well then I guess I have to call you that more often." I giggled. I can't explain how much I missed this. How much I missed him.
"Can I buy you a Starbucks?" He suddenly asked. I could go for one.
"Harry you don't have to buy me a drink-"
"I want to get my girl a drink. It's just a drink come on?"

"Well, if you insist."

   He got me the biggest cup they have. Typical Harry, even though I explained to him that there is no way I can finished this drink, he got it anyway claiming to finish the rest for me when I'm done. 
"I want to show you some thing." He said to me."We didn't exactly spend Christmas together but I guess we can have a bit of time alone together."
"Ok, sound nice." I smile at him."That reminds me...I can't thank you enough for my Christmas gift. I will be getting you one in return, I just suck at getting good gifts." I said not giving him a choice.
"No way you are not getting me anything!" He said opening the car door for me. "Am too!" I said before closing my door and waiting for him to jog around to the driver side.
"You know you say I'm stubborn but you are too."
"Oh hush!" I playfully roll my eyes and put my hand in his. We sit quietly for a good few minutes but he broke the silence soon after.
"So how long did you date Andy?" It just got really awkward. 
"How long have you been with Sandy?" I said back trying to get out of the question.
"I wasn't with her, remember and I asked you first."
"Fine...only about a month."
"Did you kiss him?" I stayed quiet thinking weather or not to tell him I kissed him once. I gulped.
"Just tell me the truth." His voice was sad and hurt which only made it worse.
"Yes." I sighed. "Only once."
"....Oh." We paused.
"You are much better if you're wondering." I cracked a smile tying to make him feel better and succeeded.
"I better be." He said glancing at me. I giggled and circled my thumb around his hand. I don't think anything can ruin this. Everything is back to normal and I'm not alone again. I cringed at the thought of what I did. I have been continuing just like before Harry but I already feel like I lost the urge. Weird how one person can change your  whole life. I think Harry noticed that I made a face and how I turned upset all of a sudden.
"By the way..." uh oh here it comes but I'm use to it by now.
"I never asked you about-"He just held our hands up and I knew what he was talking about.
"Oh... um it's really nothing. I don't know I guess I can't handle hard times too well." I attempt to lighten the mood and tell the truth but Harry remained with an upset expression.
"C-can I see?" He asked at the red stop light.
"You...want to see it?"

"Yeah, I cant go back and fix it but I would like to know what happened." 

"You'll just be mad." I say looking out the window wishing I could run, I hate talking about this so much.

" I could never be mad at you for hurting." He said closing his eyes quickly.

"I just want you better." his voice lowered and he looked the other way. I lifted my sleeve slowly and called his name in a whisper. He looked at me then my hand. He froze.
"...Harry?" I waited.... And nothing. The only movement was his chest rising as he took a long breath.
"Harry...Harry the light turned green you have to go." He snapped out of it and started driving again.
"So you are mad?" I asked not sure we're we are with this.
"Of course I'm not mad...just worried." I felt the guilt wash over me again. Every time this happens and I look down at what I had done, I wish I could undo it. But I cant. What's done is done. And yet I do it again and again. It's sick. But they don't call it a habit for no reason.
"But I could barely even see your wrist any more. Its all cut up..." I stayed quiet 'cause I know it's true. " when did you start back up with this?"
" Um like a few weeks after we..." I don't want him to blame himself.
"Its my fault." He said.
"No it's not Harry. It's mine. I should be stronger by now but I'm not. It's not your responsibility to make sure this doesn't happen."
"Yes, yes it is. My job is to protect you! I can protect you from anybody else or anything else but how am I supposed to save you form yourself?" The worlds classic question, how can you protect the one you love, from him/her self?
"I just need someone there for me. And you are. I'll get better. I promise." He nodded.
"And if you don't.... I'm getting you help understood." He told me. That scared me, to bring in an adult to this situation. So I just shyly nodded.
"Good." We turned into almost a path that looks like they haven't been used in a while.
"Where are we Harry? Are you going to kill me?" I joked.
"If I was babe don't you think you would already be dead?" I rolled my eyes.
"Touché. My friend."
"You mean boyfriend." He can be so technical.
"Hm." I smirked looking out the window. I heard him huff.
"Yes you do!" He whined.
"Fine, fine yes I do. Chill out." He smiled in victory and parked the car, soon helping me out of it. He grabbed a bag out of the trunk, but I don't know what it is.
"What's that?" I ask.
"You'll see." He laughed.
"I'm not fond of surprises."
"Oh you'll like this one come on." So I followed him down the path, having no clue why we are even here. Maybe we shouldn't have came?

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