InuYasha FEILDTRIP!!! Part Two

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  • Dedicated to The Awesomeness that is Kawaii. Aka the cute picture.

(I woke up, feeling nice and refreshed. Where was I? This didn't feel like my bed. I suddenly heard voices, my eyes closed.)


InuYasha: I don't wanna! That curry burns my tongue! It's scary!

Twila: Says the guy who just runs straight into dangerous situations, not caring about the bloody gash across his chest. -_-^

Dustin: Wow Kagome, This is really quite tasty.

Kagome: Oh stop it, your making me blush! O////O

Me: Did I hear something about food?

Twila: Hey look, sleeping beauty's up.

Kai: Figures. As soon as she hears something about food, she's awake.

Me: Hey, a growing girls gotta eat.

InuYasha: I don't know how you guys eat that stuff.

Kagome:(Shoves the spoon up next to his mouth) EAT IT!

InuYasha: NO WAY-Mmph! ARGH! (The spoon is shoved in into his mouth. His face turns red and He falls twitching to the ground.)

Kagome: Ha! That wasn't so bad, was it!

Me: Wow, what a baby.

InuYasha: Oh Yeah? I'd like to see you eat that stuff and like it!

Me: Hey Kagome, this stuff is awesome!

InuYasha: The whole world has gone crazy, hasn't it?

Kagome: See? SHE likes it!

Me: InuYasha, your such a baby. Yeah, it's a little bit spicey, so what? You've taken alot worse, haven't you? I mean, you can stand up to Naraku without beating an eyelash, but Curries what defeats you? Wow, you really have gone soft.

InuYasha: (Jumps up from the spot he was sitting) Have not!

Me: Have too.

InuYasha: Have NOT!


InuYasha: HAVE NOT!

(After half an hour at yelling at each other, we actaully forgot what we were yelling about and sat down.)

Kagome: No doubt about it, their related.

Twila: (Whisper) Wow, she's really playing up this whole sister thing.

Kai: I don't even think she's trying to pretend. That's just Az.

Me: So... What exactly what are we going to do today?

Kagome: Hmm... What ARE we going to do today, InuYasha?

InuYasha: Nothing.

Me: *raises eyebrows* Nothing?

InuYasha: Nothing.


Kagome: Okay InuYasha what is up with you! You've been sulking all morning!

InuYasha: I haven'e been sulking! I've been trying to get away from you and that devil soup!

Kagome: Oh I get it, if Kikyo was the one to make it you would have eaten it, WOULDN"T YOU!

InuYasha: What?! How did Kikyo get dragged into this mess?

Shippo: Because your too stupid to realize what you have in front of you, you two timing dog.

InuYasha: (Grabs Shippo up by the head and yanks him from side to side) Look who's talking pipsqeek! Everytime we settle down in a village you always find a small pretty girl to spend some time with. Your even worse then Miroku!

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