leaving - chapter 15

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new chapter. hope you like it. TELL YOUR FRIENDS :D.


Chapter 15


Clarissa's P.O.V

The day was going well. I had just finished making up the bed which took forever since Oliver kept messing it up and flashing me his wonderful smile to distract me. Oliver and I were back to the way we were when we first meet. It was nice, but I just can't help thinking about what happened last night... twice. Oliver drove me crazy with his body, the things he did. It was all too much, yet not enough. I wanted him with every fiber of my being. I didn't just want to be there for the sex but I just wanted to be near him. Does that sound crazy?

Well I'm not exactly normal. I ran away with some guy I knew for a couple of days let him take me to some unknown place, and we even slept in the same bed. That's doesn't really scream 'normal'.

I heard the door open then close. Hmm it must be Kai because Oliver was in the bathroom taking a shower. I had some dirty thoughts about joining him in there but decided against it. We're just friends now.

'Friends take showers together'.

I leaped off the bed to go greet Kai to get all those dirty thoughts out of my head.

Kai's cheeks and lips were just so red. He looked like he just ran six marathons, yet he looked so happy.

"What's with you Kai? What's been going on?" I asked him. Kai jumped a little then looked over at me like he didn't even notice that I was there.

"Clarissa don't scare me like that, and nothing just hanging out in the lobby." He walked off to the bed and threw himself onto the newly folded bed. Great.

I walked over to Kai and sat next to him on the bed. Well if you can't beat them join them.

"Kai where did you go last night?" I asked him. He turned away from me and his leg started shaking. He's nervous. He would do that all the time when we were little. "Kai don't be nervous you can tell me anything.''

"Clarissa when you leave I'm staying here." What does he mean? He's not going to come with us?

"Kai what do you mean you're staying here?" Kai stood from the bed and grabbed his bags.

"Clarissa, I found my mate and I'm staying here with her." oh.

"I understand I'll miss you Kai." I ran to him and wrapped my arms around him and slowly he did the same.


It had been seven hours since we left the hotel that held so many memories, and Kai. Now I was sitting in the rental car that Oliver had just got staring out the window seeing nothing, but the nearby trees in the dark. I'm not mad at Kai for leaving. I had just found him, but I guess I deserved it. I had left him so it was his turn to leave me.

"Clarissa?" I turned away from the window and faced Oliver who still had his eyes on the road. He was wearing a tight fitting black shirt that just seemed to hug his muscles, and a pair of faded blue jeans. His brown hair was as messy as usual.

"Clarissa, are you listening?" I blushed a little then nodded my head. He looked unconvinced. "Okay, I had said that we should stop. I'm really tired and you don't know where we are headed." I really wasn't tired, actually I was wide awake, but I nodded my head anyway and turned back to the window. I can't wait to get to where ever we're going. I wonder if it will be in the city or the country. What will we do when we get there? All these questions were running through my head, and none of them would be able to answer till we got there. I sighed in defeat. Suddenly I hate surprises.

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