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"Each time you feel the urge to smoke one, kiss me." It was cold. Cold enough to see someone's breath. The wind made the night even colder.

He smirked. "We're not even together." 

I shrugged. "We could be," I whispered as his piercing blue eyes met mine.

"Come here," he motioned as he held out his hand for mine to take.

And when I did take his hand, he pulled me closer. He smiled. He cupped my face in his hands and brushed his lips gently across mine, a sweet prelude of what was about to come. The kiss was gentle, yet captivating. 

"Vincent," I whispered. 

"Mary," he said before meeting his lips with mine once again.


Check out my new story called 'Stargaze'! I am updating VERY soon for this story and am quite excited about it!

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