Chapter Fifteen The Right Decision

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  • Dedicated to Brittany Sledge

Chapter Fifteen The Right Decision

                The next couple of days felt heavenly to Belinda, who was not only learning more about becoming a wife to Kris, she was also learning, with Kris’s help, to have a better relationship with Christ. As the nights were getting cold, she wasn’t scared to sleep cuddled up to Kris. She still wasn’t ready to move the relationship to the next level but she was getting to learn more about Kris. Molly was teaching her how to become a better cook and she was ashamed for Kris to come home for dinner and see what she made new.  Every day she was slowly learning to let go of the past and live for the now.  She looked down to the pie ingredients that she was trying desperately to make. She knew that he loved Molly’s blackberry pie, so she wanted to surprise him with one when he came home. She looked over Molly’s ingredients once more and got to work. An hour later and a lopsided pie in the oven, Belinda walked over to the table and picked up the family bible.  As the pie cooked Belinda turned to The Book of Esther and started reading about a courageous young woman that defied a king and saved her people. She was so into reading about Esther that she didn’t hear the door open and Kris walk inside the room.

                “Hello my sweet what are you reading and what is that heavenly smell?” Hearing Kris’s voice startled me for a moment.            

                “Kris, I didn’t hear you enter the house. I’m reading about Esther courageously standing up to a king. Oh, goodness my pie!”  She quickly got up and ran to the oven to check her pie.  Thank goodness that is was golden brown and not burnt at all. She pulled it out and put it on top of the oven to cook down. She felt Kris come up from behind her and looked at her golden lopsided pie.

                “Belinda that’s the best pie I have ever seen!” She turned and smiled at Kris and stared into his blue eyes. It was like time as stopped as Kris lowered his head slowly to give her time to determine if she wanted the kiss. His lips met hers and she knew at that second that she wanted his warmth.  He pulled her into his arms; she put her arms around his neck. She put her everything into the kiss the love that she was so scared to say out loud. He pulled back just a little and put his forehead against hers.

                “Belinda I’ve been trying to take everything slow but I’m in love with you. I’ve prayed that God will give me patient to wait until you’re more comfortable with me.  But I can’t stop the feelings that I’m having. I just wish that you will feel the same way. I know that you just gave your heart to God and I don’t want to bother you with all these feelings.” He closed his eyes as if scared of what she would say. Belinda touched his cheeks with the tips of her fingertips. When he opened his eyes and looked into hers she knew.

                “I love you too Kris!” The smile that he gave her made her melt inside. He kissed her again and she put her everything into that kiss.

                After a couple of more kisses Belinda put their dinner onto plates and on the table. Kris blessed the meal and they both ate without much conversation. When it was time for pie Kris smiled around a bit of blackberry pie. When Belinda took a bit she couldn’t help but laugh.

                “Way too much sugar. I must have misunderstood the amount of sugar it called for.” She said with joy in her voice.

                “I still think this is one of the best pies I ever tasted even better then Molly’s!” That made Belinda smile bigger than before.

                “Thank you I made it because I knew that you love Blackberry pie!”

After dinner Belinda cleaned up the kitchen as Kris went outside and made all the animals where inside for the night. She took her seat across from Kris’s chair and waited for him to come inside to read from the bible. Her favorite part of the night Kris would read and she would listen and ask questions when she didn’t understand something. Kris never got mad or impatient; he would answer her questions and ask some of his own. When Kris came inside and smiled when he saw her waiting for him. He walked up to his chair and sat down. He picked up his bible and turned to a chapter.

                “Tonight I’m going to read John 4. It’s about the woman at the well.” As Kris read Belinda listened as Jesus talked to a Samaritan woman. She learned that back then Jews didn’t talk to Samaritans at all.  And that Jesus spoke to her and the Samaritan people about the living water that was eternal life.

                “Why did you think Jesus talked to the Samaritan people Belinda?”  He was waiting patiently for her answer.

                “I think he wanted everyone to know that God loves everyone, even the Samaritan people. He doesn’t only love the Jews. Jesus treats people as individuals, accepting them with love and compassion.” Belinda hoped that this was the right answer and she didn’t have to wait long.

                “That’s right Belinda. Jesus didn’t just come to save the Jews; He also came to save the Gentiles.” They talked back and forth until it was time for bed. Kris let Belinda enough time to handle her business and change into a nightgown before bed. As she waited for Kris to come inside their bedroom she said a quick prayer. God, I know that this is the right time. I know Kris will never hurt me and I do love him God. I didn’t know what this feeling was. But I’m in love with my husband! Please be with me as I give my everything to him. She opened her eyes as she heard the bedroom door open. Kris stood there looking at her confused for a second on why she wasn’t already in bed. She stood up and walked towards Kris and pulled out her hand. He looked at her hand curiously, but still took it. She led him to the bed and looked into his beautiful eyes and stood up on her tippy toes and kissed him.

                “Are you sure Belinda? I don’t want to do anything that you’re unconformable with. I can…..” Belinda didn’t let him finish that sentence.

                “Yes, I’m sure Kris. I know that you will never hurt me. I love you and I want us to be husband and wife in all sense of the words.” He stared deeply in her eyes and when he found the answer that he was looking for he took her again in his arms and kissed her.  As he lowered her onto the bed, she knew that she made the right decision. 

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