The Ways of Mora

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Ok, well new story I have no idea where it’s going to go at the moment but I will make sure it’s awesome sorry for the grammar errors if there are any...Comment, vote and whatever else you guys would like to do I hope you enjoy!


I opened the door and left the dining hall hearing the laughing settle down into a small buzz that lingered just barely as I walked away to the staircase. I wasn’t quite hungry this evening probably because I had no one to sit with. I was the new girl who knew no one.

“Miss Sumpter, you must eat your dinner,” a voice from behind me said. I turned quickly it was exactly who I suspected it to be, Mr.Bird. I am not the biggest fan of the old man although he was the first person I met here, he always quirked his eyebrow at you when he is waiting for an answer. “I’m not hungry, Mr.Bird,” I replied with a big sigh erupting from my chest.

“Miss Sumter you better get back in there and eat or else you’ll be seeing me in detention for not listening to your teacher!” He growled at me taking my arm. “Mr.Bird what is going on here?” There was a tall man looking over us both with a concerned expression invading his face. I’d never seen the man but he seemed to be high in authority, although I was new to the school so I didn’t know. Mr.Bird let go of me, “n-nothing sir!” He said nervously and ran off. 

“I hope old Bird wasn’t scaring you was he, you look quite distraught,” the man asked concerned. He had dark brown hair with a pair of weird colored blue eyes, he was quite good looking he was probably in his late 20’s early 30’s nothing too old. “I’m fine,” I tried to smile but it must’ve been obvious I was lying. “Well alright then,” he murmured suspicious of me and and began to walk away. “Sir,” I stopped him. “Yes Miss Sumpter?” He asked turning back. “I was wondering who you are?” I questioned. “My name is Oliver Brooks, to you I am Mr.Brooks,” he smiled showing his perfectly straight and white teeth fully.

“So you’re a teacher here?” I asked crossing my arms against my chest. “Well I am the principle, so don’t get out of line Miss Sumpter cause you’ll have a one way ticket to my office,” he joked giving me a small wink, “I don’t mean to judge but you don’t look like much a trouble maker.” 

“You don’t know me yet Mr.Brooks I strike people as many different things,” I gave him a neutral stare. “I guess it depends upon the person,” he answered fiddling with the button on his dress shirt, “now if you’ll excuse me I have some work that needs to be accomplished, have a good evening and welcome to Van Zandt Boarding School,” he smiled and walked off. 

“I see you’ve met, Mr.Brooks,” said a girl who walked up next to me. “Yeah, he seems nice,” I said quietly. She laughed, “no, he isn’t just nice he is gorgeous as well!” I didn’t know what to say back to her so I stared for a moment. “Don’t worry hon, rumor has it he’s dating the librarian,” she crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh, ok,” I looked at her a little nervously. “Don’t worry, I don’t bite my name is June,” she grinned at me. “Oh I’m Mora,” I nodded my head a bit. She giggled,“someone told me your name was Tora you know almost like the Jewish thing.” 

“Yeah, no it’s not like that,” I laughed a bit too. “There you are June!” A cute guy came walking up to us. “Jasper, this is Mora,” June pointed to me. “I thought her name was Tora?” Jasper squinted his green eyes. June and I giggled a bit. “It’s uh, Mora,” I said shyly admiring his face. “Never trust rumors but June here lives on them,” he joked nudging her with his elbow a bit. “Hey!” she said annoyed. “Are you two-” I was cut off by June. “Dating, no we aren’t we’re just friends!” 

“Oh thats nice!” I smiled politely. The sound of high heels flooded the hall as a slim lady with blonde hair came stamping out of the door by the stairs being followed by Mr.Brooks. “Mrs.Van Zandt!” he called after her chasing her as she pushed the door open walking out. “She’s such a bitch,” June growled under her breath. I giggled at her remark. “Was that funny, Miss Sumpter?” He remarked bitterly walking back to his office. “No, no I wasn’t laughing at that,” I defended myself, feeling bad. He looked at me for a second then nodded his head and walked away. 

“Well that was awkward!” June spat out seconds after the door closed. “Who was that women?” I asked. “That women is the owner of the school, she’s always digging her claws into poor Mr.Brooks, one time she threatened to fire him in front of the whole school because we were too loud at dinner,” sighed Jasper rolling his eyes. “Thats why she’s a bitch!” June shot her index finger in the air. Everyone started exiting from the dining hall and going upstairs to get their luggage and find their bags and pair up with someone and find a room. “You wanna share a room?” asked June with a big smile on her face. “Ok,” I smiled at her. We went and found our luggage together then after we split away from Jasper to go find a good room. 

“This one!” she pointed me to the room on the right. We unpacked everything and got settled on our beds and in our pajamas. “You know what I noticed earlier?” she asked me as I sat on my bed. “What?” I asked becoming more comfortable with June. “Jasper was looking at you funny,” she grinned at me. “You mean you think he likes me?” I smiled back at her getting excited. “Totally!” She laughed, “you two would be a great couple!” 

“I barely know him!” I rolled my eyes. “Doesn’t mean you can’t get to know him,” she winked as she brushed her blonde hair. “We should go to bed now big day tomorrow morning,” she turned out the lamp. I fell to sleep in moments my day was just crazy.

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