Thank You!

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Thank you!


Okay, so I'm just gonna say a few thank you's to people and things, who I think deserve it!


To Wattpad and One Direction for existing! Haha, 'cuz, if they didn't exist, neither would this story! So, yeah, thanks. :)


To people who have supported me. Just me. Not the story, exactly. People who have told me to carry on with this story when I didn't want to, because I couldn't think of anything to write and when I thought it wouldn't take off and stuff like that.


To my Wattpad friends: Lana (MissHoranette), Abi (HollyShort4723), Nikki (xXParamoreFanXx) and loads more!


To everyone who's supported this story! Thanks! :)


To everyone who's voted and commented on my story!


To my AWESOME fans! :D


To people who have added my story, read it and liked it. And also people who have read this from the start.


To everyone who's commented on EVERY single chapter. I can name someone: Nikki! :)


To my friends in real life who have hardly given me any ideas for it, but supported me throughout it. And a girl who's my friend on here, who has also given me ideas: Lana. ;)


To every single person who's reading this, read my story, voted and commented, told me in private messages how much they like, love or hate my story, people who have given me ideas and inspiration, my fans, my family, my friends (On here and in real life)... Thank you!



Thank you to everyone I have listed on here. Thanks so much! You're the guys who have got this story to where it is and so... I couldn't have done it without you! Literally.

I also want to say thank you to Tiff, for drawing Reece, so well. She's on the side, in the picture. Thank you so much. <3

And, yeah, so this is my final author's note on this story... :'(

Also, I'm starting another One Direction story on this account. ;)


So... Bye guys! :'( *Sniffs*



Chocolate Queen

Baby Momma

Direction Princess

Mrs Malik


It's Gotta Be You {One Direction/Zayn Malik}Where stories live. Discover now