Chapter 9

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 Okay a little announcement, well not really one. New Girl has reached at least 100 views! I really want to get more, so please tell all your friends and family about my story. Also if you want a chapter dedicated to you then please say so. Ha ha so yeah that's it!

  "Okay so it's homecoming today," I said to Devin, while plopping myself down on the couch. 

"Yeah. I can't believe all those losers are actually going," he said laughing. Losers? So I guess that's what I am. "Well guess what! One of those losers is me," I yelled. "Wait, your going? With who? I never asked you," he said. What?!? "I thought boyfriends and girlfriends never had to ask, they just knew they were going together. Anyway I am not going with you," probably shouldn't of said that. "Who are you going with then," he said with a smirk. "Some jock named Lucas," I said proudly. "Fine, I don't care. As long as he knows you're mine," he said. Devin may be stubborn, obnoxious, and rude, but that's why I like him. He is different. 

  Oh crap, I forgot to send Lucas my address. "I will be right back," I said quickly, and then ran off to my room, grabbing my phone. I scrolled down to his name, hoping he didn't forget, I text him,Address is 3412 Rosewood Street. Then a few minutes later he text back, Ha ha I thought you forgot about me. Thanks. Pick you up a 7:00. I looked at the time and oh my gosh, it was five. 

  I turned the shower on while rummaging through my closet for the dress I picked out. Finally I found it, it is a little puffy, and mostly all white, but has blue sparkles on the waist and blue rims. It was beautiful!

  The warm shower running against my smooth skin felt good, after I washed off then I stepped out and went over to my sink counter, makeup and hair time.


  "Wow," I said while looking at myself in the mirror. My makeup and hair was flawless. The dress fit perfectly. "Hello beautiful," I heard Devin said as he entered the room. "Excuse me, but what if I was indecent? Knock next time," I said. "Sorry and whoa! You look hot," he said with a smile. "Aw and too bad it wasn't for you," I said teasingly. He hissed at me then came over to give me a kiss but I shoved him away. "You will ruin my masterpiece," I screeched. "Sorry, I just came to say good bye because your little friend is here," he said. Oh wow I didn't even hear the doorbell ring. "Okay bye," I ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek. and whispered," Get out of my room."

  "Hello. Wow you look amazing," he said loudly. "Why thank you. Oh I love your suit," I said. It was the usual suit guys wear to these but still he need a compliment. "Also homecoming has been moved to my house," Lucas said. "Okay, why," I asked. "Because the dude who was suppose to be hosting it canceled so I offered my place," he said. "Okay who's car," I asked as we walked outside. 

  "Mines over there," he said pointing to a bright red mustang. "Ha mines closer," I said pointing to my car. It was pitch black outside so I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't spot it. "Is that a Lamborghini? Yep let's take your car but I get to drive," he said while running over to me and snatching the keys. "Wow," I said with a giggle.


  "Oh my gosh," I said. There was beer cans all over his front yard! "I thought this was suppose to be a dance," I screeched. "It was... I don't know what happened. Maybe I shouldn't of left," he said. "Yeah think," I yelled sarcastically. "Okay let's go and you might want to lock your car. You don't know what kind of people have entered this wild thing," Lucas said. That was the least of my worries... I drink when I am nervous and scared, right now I am both of those things. "Come on," I said, grabbing Lucas's hand and pulling him inside his house. Everyone in there were dancing like crazy people, holding drinks, and every once in a while they would fall to the floor. "I'll be right back. I have to calm this party down," Lucas yelled. I nodded okay.

  "Hello beautiful want a drink," a strange tall dude asked me. "No thanks," I whispered. "Come on loosen up," he yelled while running off to his friends. "Wow," I mouthed. I needed something to eat, I was starving, that's when I spotted the watermelon. Yum! I ran all the way to the water melon and just started eating it slice by slice, why was I all of a sudden feeling dizzy? That's when I knew... the watermelon was bad news, Next thing I know I am drinking about 5 drinks. 

  I got up on a table where some other dudes were dancing, screaming rock on. "Hello little lady," one of them said. They turned to look at me, and the person was Gabe. We both looked at each other weirdly and then didn't care at the moment. We were both at our crazy moments. He bent down and kissed me, I kissed back. "Yeah party," I screamed. "Go Vanessa," Gabe screamed. "Shut up," I said while resuming the kiss. "Vanessa get down here now," I heard someone yell. "Don't go Vay Vay," Gabe said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "It's Lucas, now come on," Lucas yelled. Before I knew it though I was falling into someones arms, past out.

Awww poor Vanessa!!!! Her homecoming was turned upside down! Now what happened?

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Teaser: Vanessa dosn't come home that night!!! What is Devin going to think about this? Plus Gabe and Vanessa? Do they remember the kiss they had? Ha ha of course they do!!! 

 Also do the right is a picture of Vanessa's dress! Please comment on what you think of it!

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