A suicide note, I mean poem

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  • Dedicated to Yianni, my bully

I set out to change the world, live a life with purpose,

Yet I type right here, With views that barely make a surplus.

Sad I know, It kind of scares me to,

But this is me, Unrated, uncut, and completely new to you.

So you may be thinking, Missleading name you B,

But really it is quite proper, You'll just have to wait and see.

It starts of with a bang, A kick, a punch, a tooth,

I just wanted to be loved, Girl ain't that the truth.

So why is it so hard for me, to sit and type right here,

Because I am surrendering, I want all you to hear.

I live to serve you, the caste system that still stands,

One that reeks of death, One that we all bare in hand.

I am a loner, an emo, a dude, Yet I have feelings to.

Suprising I know, Yet my feelings are actually true.

Oh burn, Is that what you want to say,

Well say it loud and say it proud, cause it may just make your day.

I am tired of the pushing, All the calling has gone array,

You see it as teasing, I see it as a chance to die.

You call it joking, 'I was only kidding,'

Is it really joking, When a part of my heart is missing.

All my innocence is gone, Not like it was ever there.

All emotion gone, Seeing me with a smile is now rare.

Thank you, I hope you are happy.

I've finally lost my patience, But I don't mean to be snappy.

Yet you know I'm right, You killed me,

Put me in my place, Now I'm in a coffin.

Long dead and gone.

Death is my only escape, my only freedom.

So this are my last words,

And bare them in mind:

It's all your fault,

I hope your happy, you got your wish.

I hope your ready for that phone call,

I hope your ready for all the fame,

You can't stop a speeding bullet,

But you can stop a train.

    This is all a joke, a play on words. I know that suicide is a big deal, and I agree, but I am making fun of the insults that one person throws at me daily. I am twisting everything he says and throwing it back in his face.

A suicide note, I mean poemWhere stories live. Discover now