Chapter 17 - Lost

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  • Dedicated to All of my amazing readers <3

Hi guys! Omg, it's been so long since I've last updated. I'm so sorry! I've been incredibly busy with schoolwork, and I most likely will not have much time to update from now until a break or something along those lines.  However, I did want to add another chapter. Sorry, the formatting will most likely be a bit strange. This is probably going to be a long chapter, since I haven't updated in a year. I hope you guys like it!

Much love,


P.S. There is a picture of Lindsey as an angel there on the right, provided by yours truly, aka Google :) Did Lindsey die? Honestly, it's been so long since I've uploaded and I'm so sorry, idk if you guys still remember what was going on. However, I hope you do! Anyway, if you want to know what happens, you  should read the chapter and find out. It's pretty long, and most of you will probably be very annoyed at me, because one, I haven't uploaded in a year, and two, it is quite sad. Well at least I think so. Anyway, I am rambling now. Just refer to the right -------------------------------------------->


Jeff's Point of View

There is a story that my mother used to always tell me, about a young bird, who had never learned to fly. He was the quietest of the flock, and he was forever bound to the earth. However, one day, after months of persevearance, he began to fly, high into the air, until he was no longer visible. But no matter what, he always came back.

Perhaps that's what will happen with Lindsey. Perhaps she will return to me, softhearted and kind, with her open heart. 

I know I don't deserve her, with the cruel treatment I had given her. I had cast her aside without so much as a single glance. I had broken her from the strong woman she was into a meek, sniveling creature.

But she was so strong now, pushing me down and taking the bullet for me. Standing up from me, saving me when she could have just tossed me aside like I had done to her. 

I didn't stand up for her, didn't love her when she needed me most. I didn't even know that my own wife was pergnant with my child. Because I didn't care. I admit it. I didn't care about Lindsey at the time, when I was so drowned in my own misery that all I could do was push away everyone who cared for me, everyone who meant anything to me. All I could do was wallow in my pity, in my work, buried away from the world. 

Why hadn't I given the love Lindsey needed? I had left her all alone, pregnant and tired, and forever hating me.

It is not something I dwell upon much anymore, but it is important to me. The past is the past, and my mother will never return. My father will never throw away his bottles. And I will never be there to see the birth of Katie. I can't change the past. But I can change now.


They say that love is magic, it makes people feel, and hope that life will continue to blossom and bloom. They say love can save those who are on the verge of dying from the horrible traps of death.

"Anything is possible".

It's such a beautiful sentiment that I cannot believe. Because I know the truth. I know that love isn't forever. It's all a dream. My mother died, but she loved us. She left us to face the monster my father had become. 

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