last night - chapter 14

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Chapter 14

last night

*Clarissa P.O.V*

It's been three hours and Oliver still hasn't made it back to the hotel room. Oliver is forever picking a fight with me and I'm done with it. When he shows that he wants to be in a relationship with me then we can talk, but until then I'm going to live a worry free life.

I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. Oliver was holding me back and I finally realized it. I switched off the TV and went into the newly cleaned bathroom. I walked to the mirror feeling like a new woman, and this woman had brown hair and sparkling hazel eyes. I felt happy, truly happy and this happy was way better than the happy I had while waiting for chance. I quickly brushed my teeth and got ready for bed, which only added brushing my hair since I didn't have anything to change into.

I walked out of the bathroom and to the bed. Kai was still lying on the floor lightly snoring. How cute. With a small smile on my face I took one of the blankets off of the bed and covered Kai with it. I climbed into bed and had the best sleep humanly possible.

*Kai's P.O.V*

I had woken up with a strange feeling. I felt like I had to do something and this feeling was telling me to go to the lobby. Something was telling me to go down there now and there was no time to waste. I threw off the blanket I was wrapped in and bolted out the door.

I made it to the lobby in record time but when I got there I couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. There were a few people in the lobby. There was a business man with a young child, and a young woman working the front desk. 'MINE' my wolf called. Is she it? Is that lady at the desk my mate? Hopefully, because she's the only female in the room.

I walked to the front desk ready to work my charm. I was close enough to smell her sent. She smelt like a shifter and strawberries. I would love to have her which is odd because I'm allergic to strawberries. She turned around to face me. She was beautiful; she had short blonde hair with brown eyes and the pinkest lips. She didn't wear any make up and that was simply amazing.

"How can I help you?" she asked being as polite as she could. I'm sure she felt awkward from the way I kept staring at her. Not just staring at her wonderful curves but those full lips she had.

Females, whether they're shifters or not are not able to tell who their mates are until the male has marked them. That gave me some satisfaction. I couldn't stick out. All I had to say is that I was her mate and she would be hooked.

"My name is Kai; would you be so kind to grace me with your name?" I expected her to blush, or giggle, but what she did was even better.

"Well obviously Kai, you can't read because it says my name on my badge. Aliyah- and it's pronounced A-lie-a." she said in a by the way voice. Sarcasm. I smiled at that. How did she even get this job with that attitude?

"Well Aliyah, I would love to take you out sometime." She looked like she was thinking it over but I should have known better then to get my hopes up.

"No. Now I have work to do so could you leave if you don't want anything else?"

"I don't want anything but you." she scoffed at me. Her hand had twitched like she wanted to slap me. "Ok, ok how about I start over." she turned around. How nice of her. "My name is Kai Ōkami and its pronounced ooh-kah-mee. And I am your mate." She didn't look impressed, shocked, or even confused about my statement.

"Too bad." Well that's not what I thought she would say but she doesn't seem like the predictable type.

"What do you mean 'to bad'?" she turned back to face me.

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